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About Tatsumiii

  • Birthday 07/02/1999

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  1. Current Guildname: SHINIGAMI New Guildname: COMMANDMENTS Server: GOLD Take the 200k on my Silver account. Edit: Nvm I change my mind
  2. NAME CHANGE Username: Cataclysmm New Username: Tatsumiii Server to charge the money from: Gold SERVER TRANSFER Username: Cataclysmm Server to charge the money from: Gold Main Server to transfer: Silver
  3. Thank you.
  4. Hello, so i just returned to game. Shamac didnt change my name so Astreus pm me last may 25 if i still want to change my name, and i reply in june 9 but he didnt reply since then and i found out he's a former staff now, is there anyway to change my name since they failed to change mine? https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/88818-url/?do=findComment&comment=509745
  5. Foreground Photo: [the main photo in your design] https://wallup.net/dark-warrior-hoods-sword-death-reaper/ Design Type: Signature Design Size: http://www.vanillaorchids.org/hosted-tutorials/index.php <- post link in new tab to look at sizes] : 450X150 Main Text: Reaper Sub Text: [a smaller text below your main text, if it is wanted] Border Around Image: [do you want a border around your background, if you what color] Border Around Foreground Character: [do you want a border around your foreground character, if so what color] Theme: [light and airy, dark and sinister, etc] sinister Sorry I'm bad in designing ill let you decide which is good for background and the fonts. Make something like that the one i quoted, thank you B)
  6. Your Discord Tag: Cizi#6074 Are you an active player?: Yes Are you of the age 16 years or up?: Yes Do you meet the requirements to join this guild?: Yes Why do you feel you will be a good addition for this guild?: Cuz suicune is life. What server did you make your first account on? (Blue, Red, Yellow, Gold, or Silver): Red wayback 2015 xd
  7. I request a change name (No account reset) Server: Yellow Current ign: Tatsumiii New name: Cataclysmm if not available then Reap3r
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