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Everything posted by Silverage

  1. Hi, I start the auction
  2. @Ghostriders win Amoonguss's auction, pm me in game :p
  3. Bump, Amoonguss auction still ongoing
  4. Chandelure sold
  5. You win since you were the last to bid and 15min is over @SooooHen
  6. "If the auction receives a bid during the last 15 minutes, the ending point is delayed to +15 minutes from that bid, until someone being the c.o. for 15minutes wins. This rule applies only in forum auctions. (Example: Auction ends on 17:00. If any user bids at 16:46, the auction will end when the clock turns 17:01 and not 17:00. If another user bids at 17:00, the auction will end when the clock turns 17:15 and not 17:01 and so on.)" Since there were a bid less than 15 min before the end the auction is still on, at least that's what I believe
  7. 1 hour left for Chandelure
  8. Infernape sold
  9. I made a mistake for Chandelure auction, it end at 2:23PM GMT+2 and not AM, my bad
  10. 1.4m by Soooohen for Chandelure
  11. 1.2m by Soooohen for Chandelure
  12. 1.1m by Beerusgod for Chandelure
  13. Chandelure 1m by Nicotine
  14. End 16/08 2:23PM GMT+2
  15. Auctions cannot be cancelled once started.(Starting Price was met or starting point time is on.) @Asfox infernape auction end 16/08 (3 days after start) , I wrote the wrong time my bad
  16. Hello, I had this problem too and after installing a vpn I can connect again ^^
  17. Bump
  18. Chandelure start by[uSER=1241232] ArceusIzGod[/uSER] end in 3 days
  19. Hi, in French your nickname looks like "préservatif" which means condom that's probably why ^^
  20. Infernape start by @Asfox end in 3 days
  21. Auction start with first offer and end after 3 days Min bid : 100k Accept item such as Capsule coin for 300k / Reroll ticket 650k - 325k for nature Amoonguss S.O 800k / Insta 3m - Started by Ghostriders with 1 reroll ticket + 150k end 19/08 11:23 AM GMT+2 HP Water Chandelure S.O 900k / Insta 3m - B.O 2M by SooooHen 16/08 2:23PM GMT+2 SOLD HP Ground Infernape S.O 1m / Insta 3m - Started by Asfox end 16/08 1:55AM GMT+2 SOLD HP Fighting Magnezone S.O 400k / Insta 2m HP Fire
  22. Take a poke with damp to prevent it
  23. The same happened to me like a month ago
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