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Everything posted by Silverage

  1. Agree, it's a pain when you hunt a lot of poke to find who has what hp
  2. Hello, By doing the story on my alt, I met a bug in the Mauville gym. The 1st npc didn't fight me and I couldn't pass the electric barrier because of it. Is there a way to either reset the npc so I can fight it or remove the electrical barrier? My alt username is Belzprout and it's on the silver server Here is a screen of the situation EDIT : After checking the arena with my main account, I found out that the problem isn't the npc but the barrier itself, there shouldn't be a barrier there It should've been like this. Thanks
  3. I agree with the concept, maybe lowering the hour requirment cuz most people pvp with a few hours so they'll start complaining
  4. Hello, After trying a few different psychic Marina (I don't know why I'm doing that), I found out that there is another npc not doing the ivs preview, the legendary got rerolled without asking if we want the ivs or not. This psychic is in Eumi Island. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/142640-url/?do=findComment&comment=783458 Here is the first npc I found not doing the Ivs Preview, as there were already 2 npcs, I think it can help if you could check if there are not more. Thanks
  5. Ahah true, next time I'll keep a few movies underhand in case it happens again
  6. You have to talk to the npc at the entrance to get to the ev zone now, this npc only sell the ticket
  7. Farewell!
  8. It also happened to me a few times, basically the game will never end until one of the two players disconnect. However if a dishonest happens to experience this bug while losing, he'll see it as a "'new chance" to win and stay... I already stayed 10min or more against someone who lost but didn' t want to lose rating, pretty stupid :/
  9. Half of them are lowtiers poke and once you catch them all, it's 1/3 every week. I think the major issue here isn't the reporter but the fact that we can have 4 accounts/8characters so that the drop is heavily increased. Edit : I was not on the good page, didn't see they talked so much so it may have already been answered
  10. There are not that much poke to hunt, you can get them all within a week on 8 characters
  11. That basically means that the only way to make reroll is by the pvpshop. There are like 15 legendaries (maybe more maybe less) :v That also means that pvpers/ladder player will be the only one to have acces to reroll and that they'll have an easy acces to a huge amont of money
  12. [quote="Comrader, The multi-account will still have an advantage. I don't think there's any real way to prevent that tbh.
  13. Use the command /friend [username] in the chat or right click on the user then press "friend"
  14. June, the spawn in forest pit and lake cave change each month
  15. Username: SilverAge Server: Silver Country/Timezone: France GMT+2
  16. Canceling the remaining auctions
  17. I agree that if we receive a no legendary Pokémon, we should increase the reward. A person who hunts their Pokémon for five hours will think they've wasted their time if they don't receive a legendary Pokémon. So I think that adding, perhaps a nature reroll ticket to the pokémon, which is not tradable so as not to ruin the economy of the game, would be a good compensation.
  18. Price and insta lowered
  19. I don't agree as well
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