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Everything posted by Nahuepa

  1. Hello guys, i want to be part of you, i will let this info here, ty. What's your Player name (IGN)? *nahuepa Number of hours played? *1100 What's your favourite Pokemon? *Zekrom! What country are you from? *Argentina How old are you? *30 yo Which server do you play on? *Gold Server
  2. Re: RUKittenMe??? ~Yellow server~ <r>yeah, im interested, ill try to add u too, im from argentina<QUOTE author="SugarRed9"><s> </e></QUOTE> Hey dude, we are recruiting again o/ Tried adding you in game, but I think we are on opposite timezones. If you are still looking for a guild we would love to have you! Feel free to drop me a pm or comment here when you get this! <QUOTE author="Chikillo"><s> </e></QUOTE> Hey!! Welcome to the pack!! :D You will be getting a pm with some information shortly! We are happy to have you!<e> </e></QUOTE> <br/> <br/> yeah, oll try to add u too, im from argentina, idk the timezone really</r>
  3. hi, i want to be part of u. 1) Ingame Nickname 2) Age 3) Hours played 4) Number of 100 level pokemon 5) Regions cleared 6) Why you wanna join us :). 1.nahuepa 2. 24 years old 3. 298+ 4. 10, 12 and 5 to level up. 5. all. 6. because i wanna be better and helpfull to all.
  4. Re: Intensity guild [Yellow~Server]Recruiting <r>hey im interested guys , im nahuepa in game, 290+ hs in game. please add me in game so we can talk <E>:Heart:</E> <E>:Heart:</E></r>
  5. Re: RUKittenMe??? ~Yellow server~ <r>Source of the post 1. What is your current play time?<br/> 2. What is your favorite thing to do in pro :3<br/> 3. Cats or Dogs??? (this is most important....) :OOO<br/> 4. What are your goals in pro?<br/> 5. Why do you wish to join our pack? x3<br/> EXTRA CREDIT: Would you be able to join discord :O<br/> <br/> 1. almost 290+ hs<br/> 2. i like all<br/> 3. cats without questions<br/> 4. be better, learm more about the game but not alone.<br/> 5. because i think this team help a lot and i can help you to.<br/> extra credit i can join the discord.<br/> <br/> ty and add me to friends in game if u like, ill appreciate that. <E>:Heart:</E></r>
  6. Re: RUKittenMe??? Recruiting! ~Yellow server~ <r>hey i like to vbe part of the guild, my name in game is nahuepa, almos 290+ hs playing, and im so active. ty. <E>:Heart:</E></r>
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