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Everything posted by Metalgreymon

  1. Hi Bro, nick game or discord
  2. What is your nick name in game?
  3. Yes, I have. I am saffron city now.
  4. hi man, what nick game?
  5. .
  6. Hi man, discord or nick name please I want charizard
  7. Start Gliscor
  8. Bump
  9. Bump
  10. Bump
  11. Bump
  12. Trades are made in the city of Vermilion Payment methods Pokedollar MS 15D - 200k BMS - 180K Coin Capsule - 400k Ability Capsule - 680k Reroll IV - 700k Reroll Nature - 350k Choice Scarf. - 100k Choice Band - 70k Choice Specs - 70k Rocky Helmet. -130k Assault Vest. - 130k Rare Candy - 7k
  13. Metalgreymon#8235
  14. Hi, Rotom Hp grass. You sell for 400k. Thanks.
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