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Everything posted by Metalgreymon

  1. Start Offer- 600K Insta Bid - 4M Minimum Raise - 100K Duration of auction - 48H after a start bid has been made! Accepted Payments Pokedollar Reroll = 700k Nature Reroll = 350k Coin Capsule = 370k Master Ball = 45k Rare Candy = 7k Offer here or in-game! Good Luck everyone!
  2. Hi people! Enjoy the auction! RULES 1. I only accept Pokedollars, Coin Capsules and Reroll Tickets. Coin Capsule = 400K Reroll Nature = 350K Reroll Ticket = 700K Ability Capsule = 700k 2. No fake offer. 3. You cannot cancel your offer. 4. The auction will last 96 hours after the first bid (Starting price). https://postimg.cc/WFCcsXSQ Starting price: 100k Minimum bid: 50K Insta price: 1M
  3. Correct, the Fennekin is yours. sold CraftAPikaMew
  4. Hi people! Enjoy the auction! RULES 1. I only accept Pokedollars, Coin Capsules and Reroll Tickets. Coin Capsule = 400K Reroll Nature = 350K Reroll Ticket = 700K Ability Capsule = 700k 2. No fake offer. 3. You cannot cancel your offer. 4. The auction will last 48 hours after the first bid (Starting price). Starting price: 700K Minimum bid: 100K Insta price: 3,5M
  5. Finish
  6. Good afternoon I was challenging Battlebot and the server went down, it is possible to restart. Thank you.
  7. Hi, trade today :)
  8. Hi Shiny eggxecute. what day will i get ?
  9. good night, The king's shield is not functioning, it blocks the whole game and I have to start over.
  10. -be 18 (or close to that at least): I have 27 years. -have an acceptable english knowledge: I speak little english and medium spanish. -join our discord server: I have discord server. - have 100 ingame hours (or close): I have 400 hours. - have Kanto region cleared (or more): I have Kanto, Johto and Hoen. -be respectful towards the staff and the game: Forever -do a brief interview with one of the officers: Yes, of course.
  11. Hi :) and you now undertand me Your Discord Tag: I don't have. Your Trainer Card: Metalgreymon Are you an active player?: Yes, of course. Are you of the age 16 years or up?: Yes, I has 27. Do you meet the requirements to join this guild?: Yes Why do you feel you will be a good addition for this guild?: I going to help new members :)
  12. Seu Discord Tag: Não tenho, mas posso fazer. Seu cartão de treinador: Metalgreymon Você é um jogador ativo ?: Sim Você tem 16 anos ou mais ?: Maid de 16. Você atende aos requisitos para participar desta guilda ?: Acredito que sim Por que você acha que será uma boa adição para esta guilda ?: Posso ajudar outros jogadores em capturas de pokemons. Em que servidor você fez sua primeira conta? (Azul, vermelho, amarelo, dourado ou prateado): Só fiz a minha conta no vermelho.
  13. Eu o encontrei :)
  14. pokemon Suicune não está em Tohjo Fall. O que fazer?
  15. Boa tarde! Eu estou em johto e o pokemon Suicune não está mais em Tohjo Fall, como eu vou duelar contra ele. Ajude-me. Detalhes
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