Smartest: Pharaomage
Friendliest: Macr7
Funniest: Sugarred9
Coolest: Clockspeed
Comeback Player of the Year: TeamRocketSam
Most Talkative: Gongon
Most Trustworthy: Zeldawoot
Most Helpful: Zeldawoot
Most Missed: Packquinna/Xathia
Most Influential: Ridersempai
Most Intriguing: Drama (what a character, seriously)
Best GM: Noisia :BulbaW:
Best CC: Darkphase <o/
Best MOD: MutantSpider :3
Best CS: Naero "Mrr <3"
Best Artist: Varda/Shieon "Mimikyu rocks, great job <3"
Best Mapper: Tiggus :3 <3 Cuteflo
Most Professional Staff: Shaui BIG PAW :3
Most Friendly Staff: AshWestbrook - legend
Most Dedicated Staff: Shamac - Destu S2
Most Honourable Former Staff: Khlover (oddish hat X( )
Merry Christmas PRO and PRO staff,
miss you all very much.
love fa99les // 9oomy