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About Explorerblaze

  • Birthday 02/28/1998

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  1. Maybe you can make houses or secret bases Like player run places example some players can run there own shop to buy and sell stuff but they can't just plop down a shop and start selling stuff they can only sell stuff that they have in there shop inventory which they can restock with almost any item (or Pokemon) from there player inventory or they can make there base in to a gym or a place where you can run in to wild Pokemon to battle and catch
  2. I like this idea just please don't make it membership only
  3. Ok thanks
  4. Hello it's been awhile since I last played PRO Mainly because I haven't been able to get to a working PC to Play PRO so what's going on in the game so far has anything new been added like more battle music?
  5. Maybe some day we can have wild double battles like gen 5 had
  6. Hi I was thinking what are the chances of finding shiny Pokemon because I was thinking about doing some shiny hunting. Thanks for any help.
  7. to me grinding makes Pokemon games what they are even in the older games but now in the new games there is almost no grinding at all which is fine but that's what makes the games boring fast
  8. Hello I've bin thinking this game needs a way of telling other players you want to battle I know we can use the battle channel but most of the time it's to full with people asking to rate their Pokemon so my idea is to have a button you press that puts a flag/icon over your head letting people around know your looking for a battle. What do you guys think?
  9. Hello I was wondering do you evolve eevee in to umbreon the same way you do in the main games example in the main games you need to have a high happiness eevee evolve at night does it still work like that if it does how high does the happiness have to be to evolve? Or does it evolve with a stone now like a moon stone? Thanks for any help you guys can give me
  10. I agree maybe since this is an mmo when ever you start battling you can choose to battle other players or NPC's
  11. I like having Pokemon follow me around but some times I might want then to not follow me so I can hide them for pvp or just simply walk around by my self it's not like HG/SS where you could look behind you and you talk to your Pokemon and they would react to the surroundingsa your follow Pokemon does is just follow around in this which I do like It's just not always needed and you can't interact with your follow Pokemon like you could in HG/SS but that's ok
  12. Hi I currently have about 82K and I know it costs 75K to get the bike my question is. Is it better to get the bike now or wait a while? I have already beaten the 3rd gym if you wanted to know. What do you guys think?
  13. Just remember guys this is just a small thing I thought of its not that important at all I only made this topic to see what you guys think about this small thing
  14. Yea I know the Pokemon doesn't follow you when you do those things
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