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Everything posted by Wenzer

  1. Hi, I'm interested in joining! Returning player, I've been around since 2016, previously played blue server. Recently finished the Sinnoh region after returning so now I want to work on building up my teams, but I'm not experienced in pvp, though I'd like to try it eventually. My ign is Wenzer, discord is Wenzer#6549.
  2. You may try using spore on the buneary before you false swipe, it should stay asleep long enough to catch it so long as you're lucky with your pokeballs :) but it might make it a little easier for you at least
  3. Thank you for being able to get a video for this, it shows the exact same thing that happened to my friend. (I know it's a bug but this is the most hilarious and absurd bug I've ever seen, on any program lol.)
  4. Edit to add: I used my thumb drive to copy his client folders over to my computer to do a little troubleshooting, so I can get a recording now I think. Just need some time. Edit 2: I tried copying his folders/client files to my laptop and see if I had the same problem, but I couldn't reproduce it. Everything acts normally on my laptop. I'm thinking it may be some kind of individual conflict between his laptop/OS/something and the game. *I hope this is okay that I'm posting on behalf of another user, a friend of mine IRL who I was sitting next to physically and saw this happen myself. His laptop doesn't have very good specs and he isn't as tech savvy so I offered to do this for him. I can get more info from him and/or his laptop if needed though. His username is BuzzedFlies. I convinced a friend of mine to try PRO for the first time since his laptop can't handle most of our steam games. I showed him how to get to this website, downloaded the x64 bit client appropriate for his laptop (windows 10). It appeared to install without any obvious issues. He created an account from the website, launched the game and started playing on Silver server. He chose his starter (Charmander) and entered route 1. He started to battle some wild pokemon (more than one kind, but I have screeshots with rattata) and had the following problems: - When enemy pokemon (Rattata as an example) use an attack (Quick Attack in the example), the visual animation is placed on their portrait instead of our friendly pokemon (Charmander in this case) - Enemy attacks have no effect on Charmander/friendly pokemon, but either damaged or healed the enemy pokemon. It seemed to be random whichever it did. - Charmander could attack and it would show visual animations as normal on the enemy pokemon, but seemed to do a very small amount of damage (I could be wrong though, it may have been normal damage amounts) The enemy pokemon's health bar moved down just a tiny amount. - When the enemy pokemon died, it would damage Charmander. In the screenshots we took, we also experienced the enemy pokemon dying, but instead it says Charmander faints and we black out. That was the first time we experienced that. We healed Charmander to full health at the pokecenter in Viridian City before going back to route 1 so I could take screenshots of the problem. Unfortunately, his laptop/Windows 10 was not capable of using the built-in windows screen recording so I couldn't get a video... I may be able to install a different kind of screen recording program though, and we can try to capture it again if necessary. *The screenshots are ordered 1 thru 10 in the same order they were taken. [spoiler=Screenshots]
  5. Re: _ Wenzer's Daycare Services -⋆- Leveling and EV Training _ <r><QUOTE author="pururung2"><s> </e></QUOTE> Aww thank you! It means a lot to me that you found my service commendable! :D<br/> I look forward to possible future orders with you when I'm done in Hoenn <3</r>
  6. Re: _ Wenzer's Daycare Services -⋆- Leveling and EV Training _ <r><QUOTE author="newplayer92"><s> </e></QUOTE> I'll add you soon as I get online (within the next hour) if you are on :) I'm currently not accepting any more orders until I've finished my current orders and completed Hoenn, but I'd be more than happy to start on an order for you when that's done.</r>
  7. Re: _ Wenzer's Daycare Services -⋆- Leveling and EV Training _ <r><QUOTE author="pururung2"><s> </e></QUOTE> Hey, no problem :D I'll message you here when it's done, if that's easiest for you.</r>
  8. Re: _ Wenzer's Daycare Services -⋆- Leveling and EV Training _ <r><QUOTE author="YNOSVT"><s> </e></QUOTE> Hello, sorry about the delay, but I do have a few spots open now. Please PM me if you're still interested :)</r>
  9. Re: _ Wenzer's Daycare Services -⋆- Leveling and EV Training _ <r><QUOTE author="pururung2"><s> </e></QUOTE> I actually received a message earlier about training 3, and need to finish updating the post :( however these 3 should not take me long at all, and I can reserve the next 3 spots for you if you'd like :)</r>
  10. Re: _ Wenzer's Daycare Services -⋆- Leveling and EV Training _ <r><QUOTE author="nos66"><s> </e></QUOTE> Hey, sorry for the delayed reply! It was my birthday today and was very busy lol!<br/> <br/> I'm on the blue server only. For full EVs, usually takes less than 3 days for me to complete. Given I'm not busy (I'm typically not too busy as it stands) I could be done within 24 hours of receiving the poke.</r>
  11. Hi there. This appears to be correct - when you enter the the special Safari EV Training Area, it costs an extra $5000, meaning it should be $10000 to enter the EV Training Area. Hopefully that clears things up! Ah okay, thank you! That does make sense, I just wanted to be sure :]
  12. Hello, can anyone please advise me what the actual price of the Kanto Safari EV training zone is? Maybe I'm just oblivious, but I am reading this as "5k for normal, and also 5k for ev training. No difference" But I just realized when I went in just now, it took 10k, not 5k. But not sure if this is correct, or some kind of bug? Because I had entered the normal safari beforehand, on accident, and left to re-enter into the EV field. I had 19k-ish to begin with, and was left with 4k upon entering the EV zone. If anyone could please confirm for me which is the correct price, I'd appreciate it ^-^
  13. Re: _ Wenzer's Daycare Services -⋆- Leveling and EV Training _ <r>Accepted an order from mrcosta77 - Thanks, I will have it completed swiftly!<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w445/Klogue1/Untitled_zpsxwhebidw.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  14. Re: Wings Of Destiny & Wings Of Fate [RECRUITING] Blue Server! <r>1. What is your IGN?<br/> Wenzer<br/> <br/> 2. How many hours of game play do you have?<br/> Last I logged off, I was just barely at 100 hours.<br/> <br/> 3. Why do you want to join?<br/> I'm still a relatively new PRO player and while I was kind of rowdy upon first starting, I've calmed down considerably I believe, and would like to find a guild to partake in. Even while I was a rowdy new player, I was helpful where I could be, and answer questions for people frequently when I know the answer. I currently have a fair list of friends/friendly acquaintances on the server, but I think a guild might be more my place. :)<br/> <br/> 4. Do you use Discord?<br/> I don't frequently use it, as I haven't had a "home" discord server for a while. But I'm more than happy to be a part of one.<br/> EDIT: It should be noted that I may not be very talkative (verbally) at first, or much at all maybe. I am a little shy when getting to know people via voice chat (my autism/social anxiety mainly). I'll probably hang back and listen mostly. I also have birds who tend to be a little loud sometimes lol... but push-to-talk is a life savor :^)<br/> <br/> 5. Do you meet all of our requirements? If not, please let it be known.<br/> I'm 20 y.o. as of tomorrow (the 22nd :D) so I meet the age requirement. All other requirements appear to be met.<br/> <br/> 6. If your application is successful what Pokémon do you want next to your username on our members list?<br/> Hmm, Umbreon <E>:Heart-eyes:</E> if possible, shiny would be even better! But not a big deal, if it's not possible ;)</r>
  15. Re: _ Wenzer's Daycare Services -⋆- Leveling and EV Training _ <r><QUOTE author="nos66"><s> </e></QUOTE> That's a good question, and while I don't have any previous customers yet who can give you input, I'm more than happy to discuss anything with you beforehand should you prefer to have some of your own (reasonable) guidelines set.<br/> <br/> I am pretty active in all chat most of the time, when I am online, so feel free to pm me in game, or I'd think people in all chat could give you their opinion of me ^.^</r>
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