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Everything posted by Betterthanred

  1. i made a report about this a couple weeks ago, but it is happening again. Every once in a while it seems that when I try to log into my main account after having been logged into a different account, I encounter a glitch that tells me my "Username or password is Invalid" but i know for a fact that my username and password are right. It has never happened in any client before the sinnoh patch client, so im thinking it just might be a bug in this recent patch. Anyways i hope u do something about it because it is an annoying bug and I didnt get a response from my last report.
  2. i wtb a good timid/hasty deino as the title explains
  3. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) ♦ <t>blue server ftw</t>
  4. Re: Pay to Win <t>don't become money grabbers. keep it how it is</t>
  5. any physical attacker rlly kinda beats this pokemon :/
  6. I wanna buy a adamant riolu with good ivs and 28+ in the atk iv pm in game or leave post on this thread letting me know if u have one that u would like to sell thnx :D
  7. This glitch has cost me two losses because i think i have won when really the opponent has one pokemon remaining. https://gyazo.com/ed94de972d045d36fdf9b03c8eba26a9 This gyazo shows that even though the game says every pokemon on opponent's team is dead, he still had one pokemon remaining. This glitch has been around for a while and it is extremely irritating. Thanks.
  8. I would like to sell this Dragonite. https://gyazo.com/279892683d789645a6c6ceb65e97e671 Insta Price: 2m Starting bid: 500k Auction ends Sunday at 3PM est. Thanks! :Smile:
  9. https://gyazo.com/1317adfed699a84e8288e0e679976b6d I vote to BAN shadow tag. Without team preview we cannot tell if the opponent has a gothitelle or not so it basically allows ur opponent to get 1 free skill-less kill on one of your pokes. Also, I think that revenge killing is a poor argument because the gothi can easily switch out until it sees another opporunity to setup on your team. If we had team preview we would be able to predict a gothi switch and make plays to counter it.
  10. dragon ball z :/
  11. Re: Masters Dojo (Han1996/ FearkL / ClassicNeon)(Daycare Service) <t>Hello, I would like to buy evservice for my hippopotas.<br/> <br/> 252 def<br/> 252 hp</t>
  12. Re: Wings Of Destiny And Wings Of Fate + Two Guilds On Blue Server + International Multi-Gaming Guild + Recruiting: OPEN <t>1. What is your in-game name and current hours of play? 236<br/> 2. Why do you want to join Wings Of Destiny? I really like PRO but I don't have friends that wanna play it so I'm looking for a group to play with. Also, my last guild (Cuddles) is gone because everyone stopped playing.<br/> 3. How many badges do you have on blue server? 24<br/> 4. Do you/can you use discord? I use it currently.<br/> 5. What led you to play PRO? I was looking into pokemon games online and I found PRO and liked it a lot so I just rolled with it.<br/> 6. Do you meet all of the requirements as listed on the first page of the thread? I meet every requirement except for I'm turning 18 in 2 weeks. <br/> 7. Why should we want you in the guild? I'm pretty knowledgeable when it comes to pokemon and I am willing to help people out when they need it.<br/> 8. Did someone recruit you; and if so what was their username? Nope</t>
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