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Hoooooodini's Achievements



  1. 600k
  2. 190k clefable
  3. 400k
  4. 300k
  5. 160k clefable
  6. 1. What's your Player name (IGN)?: Hoooooodini 2. Number of hours played?: 91hours. but i started in 2016 lmao 3. What's your favorite Pokemon?: Greninja, Lucario, Sylveon, Gardevoir 4. What do you enjoy doing the most in PRO?: hunting pokes but wanna try pvp 5. How old are you?: 25
  7. Idk if the post is still up but 400k.
  8. it said invalid password when I log in to the silver server after i switch server and just prompt me to new char create screen, i just dont know what to do... did my account just got wiped ?? edit: solved. I didnt read through the instructions…
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