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  1. Pseudo dans le jeu : Xynoxx Temps de jeu : 334 Âge : 30 Quelques mots sur vous : Avez-vous Discord (obligatoire) ? : Oui papa Où en êtes-vous dans l'aventure ? : ouain Quels sont vos objectifs dans le jeu (PVP, farm, collection de PKM) ? : n'importe. je suis tres influence Pourquoi devrions-nous vous choisir ? parceque sinon je dit a ma mere
  2. message me in game on on here. better chances in game
  3. I've already been to Pinkan Island but now that I am trying to get there now it's not allowing me. Sailor says: "Ahoy! How is it going young fella?" Like I said I have completed the quest but I haven't played in a while. is there a glitch that isn't allowing me to go?
  4. C/O Adaline03 400k
  5. Auctioning off this Shiny Beauty. Starting the bid at 400k, insta 2m. If I don't like the results of the auction I reserve the right to cancel everything. Please show proof of money. Outbids minimum off 100k only. Bidding will end July 13th 5pm central time. https://prntscr.com/fihugk[/img]
  6. New guild looking to make a big impact on the PVP scene. Fill out these simple questions. 1.Age 2.Where you're from 3.Years playing Pkm. 4.Done all 3 regions? If not where are you? 5.3 Favorite pokes for PVP Also looking for a few very experienced PVP'ers who would like to be Officers. PM me in game for guild invites or any other details.
  7. Send me invite in game please.
  8. 1) How old are you and where are you from? 27 / Canada 2) How much hours of playtime do you have and how many badges you have: 111 hours / 23 Badges 3) Do you have more accounts and were you playing on Blue or Red server? Yes for both. Only use them when Yellow server is down. 4) Do you have any aim(s) in this game? Just playing when I feel like it. 5) Do you use discord? Yes
  9. Nah, I beat him already. Just looking to power through and not struggle at all. Want to do late game PVP. Dont care for story.
  10. Would like to rent a poke for yellow Server Hoenn region. Currently at the Jackson battle and need to do one gym afterwards. I would pay 30k and return it immediately upon arriving at the e4 where I could use all my pokes instead.
  11. Is there an area to sell nuggets and such in Hoenn?
  12. ign- Xynoxx Currently in Hoenn. Looking to play late game PVP for both blue and Yellow Servers.
  13. Thanks a ton guys! :Heart:
  14. Lol That feels like such a troll. I've never played Hoenn before. Can you actually get to the moon? If so when should I expect to catch one? Can I get it soon? I'm about to fight the flying gym.
  15. I've been looking in a lot of areas. Is it just me or is gible not attainable in Hoenn? I've asked people in game but not everyone in this game is exactly "friendly" or helpful.
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