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About Artinuviel

  • Birthday 05/13/1994

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  1. Da müsstest du mal per pn den Einladungslink schicken. Hab inzwischen selbst ne Gilde auf Yellow und bleibe dementsprechend auch dort aktiv, bei Blau müsst ich erst wieder ganz am Anfang anfangen und ich bin grad so schön in Sinnoh xD
  2. Hey guys, I'm looking for a decent timid or modest nature litwick. Ability doesn't matter. Will pay up to 150k depending on iv's!
  3. ANd pickaxe is kinda like rock smash
  4. On yellow server i saw like 65 boxes to use... so... try to sell or release some of your pokemon
  5. I don't know what happened. I was offline for around an hour and just saw the server status. All shut down but blue should be open...
  6. Servers crashed and server status say blue is re online
  7. You have even more than 55 slots to store your Pokemon in the pc, on the lower side there are the boxes and on the right side you have an arrow to show even more boxes. If these boxes are full try to sell some of them or release them.
  8. Hey Curry, bin wohl irgendwie us der Gilde geflogen wegen Inaktivität, wäre aber für Yellow wieder zu haben ;) Bin ja wieder aktiver da, da ich mehr Zeit hab und dank Sinnoh und aktiver pvp mon suche wieder die Lust hab. Nick ist ja ingame derselbe wie hier. Freu mich, wenn ich wieder zum alten Trupp dazustoßen könnte :D LG Artinuviel aka Farvynn aka Cari
  9. Hello Guys, I'm a young player on yellow server and i'm looking for an active guild with german or english player. I'm active every day and try to make the best with my pokemon. So if you're interested in a young woman from germany feel free to invite me. Artinuviel is my ingame name. Thanks ^^
  10. I am still selling ^^
  11. Hi guys, I want to sell my Gengar as shown in the Picture. Nature: Timid 31 Spd iv 252 ev 30 Spatk iv 252 ev
  12. Hey guys, my boyfriend has a major problem. He said his erification link is broken. Is there another way to verify his account or can we have another link?
  13. I enjoy playing it soo much *__* but i have more bad luck than i thought xD
  14. Hello Artinuviel. Nice to see you here :) I believe that you have fun here. I am playing on the yellow server. Feel free to contact me anytime. :Grin: I'm playing on yellow too ^^ hope we can chat sometimes.
  15. It's been a while since I startes playing PRO but it's addicting. So hi guys ^^
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