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Everything posted by Supercutebbg

  1. Re: epic kabutops <r><QUOTE author="LazyPanda69"><s> </e></QUOTE> you need to tell me beforehand if my current offer can land if no one else bid, I'm not going to bid and reserve 9m then in the end you tell me you are not happy with the offer and won't sell. If you don't want to let everyone else know if you are happy/not happy with the offer, just pm me, but I need to know so I can decide to reserve the fund or spend it on other things.<e> </e></QUOTE> Hmm...so many players are doing this thing nowadays, they could decide sell or not in the end. What you could do is just wait. Expectation is not fixed, it may change. You don't have the right to force the seller to answer you any question, better know who has the power in this situation <E>:Sleeping:</E></r>
  2. 2m magnezone and start Yanmega
  3. Re: wts Tyra & H.a. Dragonite <r>3.6m <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  4. Re: wts Bisharp, Tyra & H.a. Dragonite <t>3m dragonite</t>
  5. 200k start
  6. He has written "wts 20m only" :confused: :etc:
  7. Re: WTS PVP pokes <r><QUOTE author="XiaoRodzwaffles"><s> </e></QUOTE> How about the Kabutops? Dun you think you have to explain to the buyers where is it or sold or something? <E>:Ambivalent:</E></r>
  8. The auction will end after the first bid 24 hours~ :Smile: She is not able to online by now. You guys could keep leaving yours offer here. ty :Grin:
  9. Re: WTS PVP pokes <t>3.5m kabutops</t>
  10. Re: WTS PVP pokes <t>3m kabutops</t>
  11. Re: WTS PVP pokes <t>2.5m kabutops</t>
  12. Re: WTS PVP pokes <t>1.5m kabutop</t>
  13. Re: RUKitten<Guild Shop> *Updated* Dec/15 <t>250k h.a. poliwag</t>
  14. 1m c.o. by Chaffee, Auction starts. :Smile:
  15. 1m s.o. 1m c.o by Chaffee 700k c.o. by Anogue 48 hours auction start when someone is offered Insta Buy is Negotiable :Smile: You guys could put your insta here or pm me in game~ 0w0
  16. Re: WTS > Shiny Eevee. <r>Hmm..15m starting bid is overprice tbh..since this is not the only one shiny eevee in this server <E>:Proud:</E></r>
  17. 1. 2. 3. I'm confusing in which cutie is the best to use :D: So hard to choose :Frown: Thank you guys :Smile:
  18. Re: WTS Gyarados h.a jolly <r>okay i start 500k <E>:devil:</E></r>
  19. Re: WTS Gyarados h.a jolly <t>1m is the insta price or..?</t>
  20. 600k+, those guys are crazy in talonflame :Angel:
  21. Re: Wts epic - Gible, Naive Staryu, h.a. dratini~ <r><IMG src="https://holland.pk/va54l9bk"><s></e></IMG> - sold to Kimcil</r>
  22. Re: Wts epic - Gible, Naive Staryu, h.a. dratini~ <r><IMG src="https://holland.pk/47bvspde"><s></e></IMG><br/> <IMG src="https://holland.pk/ymb52wli"><s></e></IMG> Gible sold insta to Whdgur2038</r>
  23. Re: Wts epic - Gible, Timid Togepi, Naive Staryu~ <r><IMG src="https://holland.pk/dz892onp"><s></e></IMG> - 500k c.o. by Cnnblt</r>
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