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Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. how is adding new payment methods ruin the income of PRO? Wasn't a response to your message directly, was to OP. I agree that PRO would guranteed make more cash with more payment methods like text etc like League of Legends has for a bunch of countries.
  2. This would ruin the income of PRO. So definately not.
  3. Re: Clone Event Re-activation <t>Thank you for covering up for the faults Thor. :)</t>
  4. Lmao no response in 2 hours and you go haywire? :Grin:
  5. Re: SHINIGAMI Shop! - H.A DRAG, EPIC AGGRON EPIC BLISSEY - 26 PVP and 50 SHINY 08/11 <t>bumping, new babies added!</t>
  6. Re: Shinigami - NOW RECRUITING! RED SERVER. - FORUM REVAMP <r><QUOTE author="MarkevichIlia"><s> </e></QUOTE> I will have our recruiter in word with you, thanks for applying. :)</r>
  7. My friend, if you have hunted a shiny for 1000 hours I would like to know your complete gametime! That's some sick dedication, unless you don't have that to support your claim?
  8. EDIT : Accidental Double Post plz delete this @mods
  9. I like your suggestion, alternativly having some achivement score for rewards would also be very neat! - -
  10. Only 23m? Definately something you gotta work on...
  11. Welcome to PRO Gaxue! ;)
  12. Welcome Batine!
  13. Welcome back to PRO mate and goodluck with the stream!
  14. Welcome to PRO Nazaku ;)
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