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Everything posted by Taufan

  1. Re: Chronos Guild (We're indONEsia) <r><QUOTE author="Mistral"><s> </e></QUOTE> woh banyak amat mantanlu mis <br/> <br/> sekalian mau tanya cara ganti poto profil gimana ya <E>:Crazy:</E></r>
  2. Re: Chronos Guild (We're indONEsia) <t>wah wah theripper20 fotonya ngikut ngikut,<br/> <br/> mentang mentang server offline pada kesini semua</t>
  3. Re: Chronos Guild (We're indONEsia) <r><QUOTE author="paypay"><s> </e></QUOTE> bisa diatur,<br/> asal berkelamin wanita aja pasti ketua nya langsung memperbolehkan anda masuk <E>:Crazy:</E> <br/> <br/> <br/> tapi yang paling penting itu bisa online walaupun hanya sebentar<br/> peace <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  4. Re: Chronos Guild (We're indONEsia) <r><QUOTE author="imadyeah"><s> </e></QUOTE> <br/> ikut................<br/> tapi tunggu server online :3</r>
  5. Re: Chronos Guild (We're indONEsia) <r><QUOTE author="MazGenk"><s> </e></QUOTE> saya bukan pemain kaskus <E>:Crazy:</E></r>
  6. Re: Chronos Guild (We're indONEsia) <t>sama invite aja nanti idku</t>
  7. Re: Chronos Guild (We're indONEsia) <r>sakit mataku...<br/> kurang besar tulisannya <E>:Cry:</E></r>
  8. can i join ?
  9. what guides ? im just seeing spawn guides https://prntscr.com/8lcccw << look at this, if you think im lying :Grin:
  10. i have a lot stock sun stone in my bag , doesn't just heard but thats true :)
  11. Taufan


    im single player i need guild just for have fun my name Taufan like my IGN :Crazy: if its talk about my old hmmmm its secret :Smile: im from indonesia i really like pokemon with ability frisk, just hunting some item is my hoobies :Heart-eyes: and for my hour play, i will thell you if you accept me
  12. Re: Xerondd EVs Train Service <r>cara letakkan gambar gimana ? <E>:Crazy:</E></r>
  13. Re: Item Locations + discription! [uPDATED: Assault Vest + Choice Scarf + Smoke Ball] <r><QUOTE author="Colliga"><s> </e></QUOTE> Where is the berry forest please<e> </e></QUOTE> you can go to berry forest from 3 island</r>
  14. Re: Sell Good Pokemon <r>do you have caterpie epic timid or pidgey epic timid ?<br/> i will pay you for that <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  15. Re: Item Locations + discription! [uPDATED: Assault Vest + Choice Scarf + Smoke Ball] <r><QUOTE author="Ralius"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="yheskie"><s> </e></QUOTE> you can get nocturnal feather from pidgeoto in route 16</r>
  16. it will good if you have the picture
  17. whats your id jhax ? my nick is Taufan
  18. hey i want to buy 1 ms, are you online ?
  19. i have the problem, when i try to post something, it will say this "Your IP has been blocked because it is blacklisted." you know, i can post this tread cause i change my ip address. can someone help me in this problem :Cry:
  20. Taufan

    What is EV? IV?

  21. please give to me 100k :Heart-eyes:
  22. its easy search abra with syncro, if you have jolly syn, i buy it :Grin:
  23. Re: Item Locations + discription! [uPDATED: Deep Sea Scale + Dawn Stone] <t>yeah i found new stone maybe you need <br/> sun STone from drowzee in berry forest<br/> twisteed spoon from drowzee route 11</t>
  24. 25k if you want
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