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Everything posted by Auristoles21

  1. In-game name: Auristoles21 Server: Silver GMT Timezone: GMT +02:00 Need help with evolving Electabuzz. Thank you!
  2. - IGN: Auristoles21 - Discord name: Auristoles#9682 - Pokemon name: Guitarius - Pokemon Typing: Normal/Steel - Pokemon description: Guitarius looks like an electronic guitar. We have so many animal-like poke's, and when read the task, my first intention was an instrument. Guitarius' base (mainly) stats are ATK and SPEED (you can train speed, if you like fast and hard songs). Guitarius has a really bad SpDef-Stat, and he/she dont like Fire-Attacks because of the wooden corpus. One important move is "Hyper Voice". Guitarius would not use this skill very often, but its important for the back-story. I would design "Guitarius" a little bit like "Heracross".
  3. Auristoles#9682 Server: Silver
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