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Everything posted by Luisdroide

  1. Smartest: Friendliest: Funniest: Coolest: Comeback Player of the Year: Most Talkative: Most Trustworthy: Most Helpful: Most Missed: Most Influential: Most Intriguing: Most Experienced Player: Best/Funniest Username: Most Professional Guide Maker:Skuid Most Professional Discord Moderator: STAFF CATEGORY Best Mapper:Skuid Best Artist:Skuid Best Community Coordinator: Best Moderator: Best Trade Moderator: Best Game Master: Best Admin: Best Staff Username:Skuid Most Professional Staff: Most Dedicated Staff:Skuid Funniest Staff: Friendliest Staff: Most Honorable Former Staff:Skuid Most Missed Former Staff:
  2. dale calamardo
  3. Hola desde el primer dia del evento tuve un problema con la 1ra quest que son los de recolectar los 10 dulces ya eh hablado con todos los npc del murky y cuando digo todos son todos (como se aprecia en las imagenes) por culpa de este error no eh podido seguir avanzando en el evento ahora tengo menos tiempo para capturar a darkrai ganar las alas la masterball y la montura porfavor solucionen mi error :Nervous: Hello from the first day of the event I had a problem with the 1st quest that are to collect the 10 candy already talked to all npc of the murky and when I say all are all (as seen in the images) because of this error I have not been able to continue advancing in the event now I have less time to capture darkrai win the wings the masterball and the saddle please solve my mistake :Nervous: Photos https://i.imgur.com/f6N9y6j.png https://i.imgur.com/tpYY49M.png https://i.imgur.com/c8UYbko.png https://i.imgur.com/5ZyrJpt.png https://i.imgur.com/mGGjT4i.png https://i.imgur.com/JBw1nj6.png https://i.imgur.com/VKjG95R.png https://i.imgur.com/Dzy0yLK.png https://i.imgur.com/Df26unm.png https://i.imgur.com/Oopme6J.png https://i.imgur.com/yby1B5B.png
  4. I already talked to each of them 5 times
  5. Help only can get 9 candys :c help :Cry: :Nervous:
  6. Help only can get 9 candys in the event map me talk with all npc 2 times :Nervous:
  7. Hi! My name in game is luisdroide No have consoles for play games :( This is my oportunity for win one :D :D: :thanks:
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