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Everything posted by 689diulelomo

  1. Count me in, good luck all!
  2. I want to win the Switch to play some newest games with my family. I figured Switch would be the perfect fit. GM, thanks for the great game and generous giveaways!
  3. Re: selling decent Garchomp <r><QUOTE author="gen2la" post_id="376437" time="1492701383" user_id="1550909"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> 400k</r>
  4. Re: Nintendo Switch Giveaway <r>Seems like the luckydraw has been restarted.<br/> Count me in for Nintendo Switch, I'd like to share this with my family to play together the multiplayer games featured in Switch <E>:Grin:</E> <br/> <br/> Good luck all, and thanks GM!</r>
  5. Seems like fun, a Nintendo switch could be a great addition as a family home console. Also, a chance to play the original pokemon game (to be announced in the future) would definitely be great. :)
  6. SOLD already
  7. any S2 and again, the staff member who issued the ban will explain the situation in the appeal Well in my last temp ban, the appeal got no response and I could not provide a corresponding evidence, not knowing what rule I broke instead of "a set of offenses list by S2 and guess it yourself". Since anything ban /Ban appeal related is not visible to the public, Therefore I raise the issue here instead. I hope you see my point in OP.
  8. Hello 689diulelomo, you can check your ban reason/duration here -> Dashboard and appeal here -> Discipline Appeals The appeal is there to explain the cause of your ban, so yeah with that being said. Good luck. According to this dashboard thing, what was considered my offense?
  9. Recently, I have been banned again with the Code named Autoban-S2, where S2 contains a list of possible offenses one could have committed. Under the current system, you are required to submit an evidence based on the ban to appeal. Firstly, one could not effectively(or possibly) provide an effective evidence of anything when you could not clearly single out what he/she has committed other than a rough list of possible offenses. So was someone caught Botting/Inapproriate language to someone/ Scam? Without knowing this crucial and exact reasoning of the ban, one could not possibly submit an evidence under the current ban system. The only option is to sit until the Ban period is over(for a temporary ban). Therefore, I would like to ask for giving the banned players full information about the ban(at least, the exact offense, not a coded phrase that can imply over a list of 10 offenses) Thanks for your time, I seriously hope to get a proper response from the staff, as this is an issue about the player rights and transparency of the admin system. I will submit a Ban Appeal later although not knowing the cause of the ban, it would be most likely not effective.
  10. same, 330 hour gameplay, ms, hoenn champion, still can't fight boss jenny? what is the requirement ? sigh...
  11. [image]https://i.imgur.com/LEvp3f2.png[/image] [image]https://i.imgur.com/OICmgdk.png[/image] I won bugsy , finished his M. Heracoss with Blaziken's Brave Bird,then Bugsy handed me rewards as shown above. Then all of a sudden, I was back to login screen and when I finally relogged back after several attempts, I got no rewards and Bugsy mentions I never beat him. Please give me back my rewards. Thanks in advance.
  12. ms :)
  13. PM me in game or post here, current offer 40k. IGN: 689diulelomo Thanks for your time :). EDIT: sold 55k.
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