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  1. start
  2. Wtb Feraligatr Discord Tag: Swopyx#9883 Add me for meetup.
  3. Start Mandibuzz 200k.
  4. 900k
  5. Hello, please contact me ingame Swopyxlol or in Discord Swopyx#9883 for the Gyarados trade.
  6. When are you back ? Would start Gyarados 200k
  7. wtb 60k pm me ingame swopyxlol or discord: Swopyx#9883
  8. https://www.smogon.com/dex/sm/abilities/serene_grace/
  9. Can be closed, got an offer.
  10. As written in the title, I search a good jolly Larvitar/Pupitar with at least 30 Speed and good attack. Do also take trained Tyranitar in consideration if the offer is good. PM me ingame (Swopyxlol) or add me on Discord Swopyx#9883. Thanks.
  11. rip nature :D
  12. Trade completed. Can be closed.
  13. can be closed.
  14. Auction finished, Debeast won it for 500k. Please send me a message ingame: Swopyxlol or add me in Discord: Swopyx#9883
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