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    University Student
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    University Student

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  1. https://imgur.com/C77Id6y pm me in game if you are interested
  2. Ok thanks for the update! :) i offer 2.1m on gabbite
  3. Re: Garchomps max spd/ jolly ha 28 spd 31 atk <r><QUOTE author="Aurorus" post_id="413001" time="1500419632" user_id="1220884"><s> </e></QUOTE> just busy. <e> </e></QUOTE> Are you going to put any instant? Or some time limit? we cant be bidding like that forever</r>
  4. Great Idea! :D and i could suggest that they could put like a [highlight=yellow]Shovel[/highlight] or something for the dig spots too! it would help a lot cause you need a poke full happiness to dig the area
  5. Re: Garchomps max spd/ jolly ha 28 spd 31 atk <t>1.9m gabite :D this is going to last forever :D</t>
  6. Re: Garchomps max spd/ jolly ha 28 spd 31 atk <t>1.6m gabite</t>
  7. Interested in adamant/ clear body metang all iv's 20+?
  8. Re: Garchomps max spd/ jolly ha 28 spd 31 atk <t>1.3m gabite</t>
  9. Re: Garchomps max spd/ jolly ha 28 spd 31 atk <t>700k gabite :D</t>
  10. Re: Garchomps max spd/ jolly ha 28 spd 31 atk <t>I offer 500k on Gabite for start</t>
  11. Hello everyone. A long time now i've been using the Project-sato.net/statuschecker for checking the server status of Pro when they were down so i knew when to log in again... The last days the site seems to be down and its always saying 404 error... Does anyone know if it is down for good? Or is it renewed in a new site? Thanks in advance
  12. Ok thanks a lot... It's one way to battle him as it seems :)
  13. Yes i know about Nikola and i have that in mind... but im thinking since raikou is an option as a 4th reward to battle it maybe it applies a second time too... so i just have to w8 until the 4th time instead of battling nikola....
  14. Hello, i battled the Raikou Guardian for the 4th time and i got a chance to catch Raikou... but unfortunately i killed it accidentally... :( What can i do now? can i battle the guy again 4 times to get another chance? or its gone forever? thanks in advance
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