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Blackcatxiii's Achievements



  1. Start with 1M 1 bid 100K Insta 5M Auction ends 24 hours after 1st bid! I accept cc - 320k, Nature/IV Reroll - 300k/600k.
  2. [ATTACH = full] 108234 [/ ATTACH]
  3. The error was fixed after i restart proclient But there should be no compensation..
  4. plz help me I waste a lot of money and TMs
  5. I found that not only Gliscor even my every monster every move can't to use omggggg
  6. my gliscor can't learn stealth rock even spend money I spent 60K and nothing I hope u can fix it Thanks.
  7. In-Game Name: BlackCatXIII Discord Tag: BlackCatXIII#5797 Server: Silver How often do you use Discord? everyday What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? Need more event like this.
  8. Discord Tag: BlackCatXIII#5797 In game: BlackCatXIII Server: silver I joined the Bug Catching but i forgot to screenshoot it , until my friend told me the another bug catching game here, fortunately , bug catching area is the only way to get larvesta in Johto, This npc can prove the caught time. I know that's not in compliance,But I think my Larvesta has a great chance to win . So please let my Larvesta join this game I will be very excited. If it still doesn't work, I have to give up ,thanks.
  9. my name changed but PM OT are different , the new one named Blackcatxiii , I want my Name is BlackCatXIII , and maybe have some bug in Guild. I cannot see my new name now . I would appreciate if you could help me solving this bug .
  10. Current Name: vincent763 Change into: BlackCatXIII Payment Server : Silver
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