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  1. Re: Pay to Win <r><QUOTE author="Furtifk" post_id="382295" time="1494018833" user_id="264842"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Unfortunately for some reason I don't see throwing more money at him helping him produce better code so that the garbage that is Raging Gyarados doesnt happen again. Unless he plans on hiring some devs to help him with the game development and if so then I am all for it! lol</r>
  2. Re: Upcoming updates DRAMA [POLL] <t>In my humble opinion, after downloading the new Raging Gyarados client and seeing the potato code that went into to it my thoughts about this game have only gone down hill. I am a linux user and for the most part the new client is complete garbage that broke many many things that once worked. With this in mind I can almost guarantee that shane is the type of programmer who gets it barely working on windows and tells himself good enough without testing it on any other platform by having complete faith in the program he is using to build for other platforms. This is a horrible way of doing things. I can't complain too much given that this is a free game but having donated multiple times and knowing that many others have donated as well I would expect he would at least test things out before pushing complete garbage out to his users. <br/> <br/> Besides the potato code that is Raging Gyarados, the staff is another issue. I understand that the staff members are donating their time to helping out but there is such a lack of structure that I honestly feel like I just walked into a court house being run by children who have no idea what they are doing. When something is broken and screwed up ignoring the problem and staying silent about it is the worse thing you can possibly do which is exactly what happened with the new client breaking Linux.<br/> <br/> To make a long story short: Until all moves are coded, pvp doesn't suck, and things that have been broken since the beginning of time are fixed and he at least starts testing on different platforms before pushing potato code I do not for a second condone adding these features.</t>
  3. The new Raging Gyarados client has a lot of issues. This thread has a fix for the full screen freeze https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=83&t=65968 Also controller support via xpad is broken but you can use xboxdrv and it will work somewhat.
  4. I understand the tough luck if the mistake was your own but i'm surprised no one has mentioned the part about server crash which is something we all know happens A LOT. As an example you have a poke that 3 forms. You plan on evolving to the 2nd evo at 99 and the 3rd at 100 but while the evo screen is up the server crashes preventing you from evolving. This is an issue that i'm not sure there is a good way to fix even though the blame is not on the trainer. Oh the conundrum :/
  5. This is a known bug, just drag them first into your part and then into the chat screen. :) Thank you, but it is still a bug that has not yet been fixed. Having it here at least signals that it is still present. You can think of this at a TODO list which every dev should have.
  6. I could not find a good central location for the current issues facing the new Raging Gyarados client so I am going to start cataloging them in this post. If you have any issues not listed below, please post your issues along with what operating system you are using. If issues show up in multiple OSs I will move them to Common. Common: Sprites for area changes being offset Floating pokemon image lasting till client restart if dragged from pc instead of party Linux: Modifier keys like "ctrl", "shift", ect. printing integers in chat. Gamepad support no longer working Using xboxdrv in userspace instead of xpad from kernel works Fullscreen causes client to freeze during startup A temporary fix can be found here https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=83&t=65968 Windows: Mac OSX: Android:
  7. I can confirm that your solution does in fact work! Thank you. Hopefully with this information the dev can fix it so others don't have to do through this although I did send him a message about the "prefs" file and he just ignored and deleted it so I doubt caring is in the picture.... This is why I should always make a backup before deleting something lol. By the way, is there anything if your "prefs" file about loading up controller support? I've enabled the option for controllers but it wont load libudev.
  8. This is exactly what happened to me. removing ~/.config/unity3d/ fixed the resolution but it only gets as far the screenshot I posted. What version of mint are you using? I'm assuming mint. The person who posted that it was working I think might not actually be using the newest client that just came out.
  9. If anyone else has run into this issue or has gotten it to work, please post your Distro/DE/Kernel here.
  10. What DE what you using? I just tested it on another computer using Ubuntu Gnome 16.04.1 and it still doesn't work. Although I did get additional dialog since it was the first time launching it from this computer. Player data archive not found at `/home/user/Applications/PokemonRevolution/PROLinux64_Data/data.unity3d`, using local filesystemPlayerPrefs - Creating folder: /home/user/.config/unity3d/PROTeam PlayerPrefs - Creating folder: /home/user/.config/unity3d/PROTeam/Pokemon Revolution So i guess this means it has nothing to do with data.unity3d but something else is going. after removing this folder, I was able to get to this point on my Arch computer but it freezes at this point.
  11. Tested using Arch LInux, Kernel Version: 4.10.11-1 this is the messages I get when started from the CLI. // location of executable and resources are located in /home/user/Applications/PokemonRevolution/ Set current directory to /home/user/Applications/PokemonRevolution Found path: /home/user/Applications/PokemonRevolution/PROLinux64.x86_64 Mono path[0] = '/home/user/Applications/PokemonRevolution/PROLinux64_Data/Managed' Mono path[1] = '/home/user/Applications/PokemonRevolution/PROLinux64_Data/Mono' Mono config path = '/home/user/Applications/PokemonRevolution/PROLinux64_Data/Mono/etc' Preloaded 'ScreenSelector.so' Player data archive not found at `/home/user/Applications/PokemonRevolution/PROLinux64_Data/data.unity3d`, using local filesystem There is no "data.unity3d" and there has not been one in all of the previous Linux clients. I suspect that it was added in the windows/osx clients and then compiled without any testing done on Linux. I can program and script if you all need help doing so for this game. I solely use Linux so having at least 1 person make sure this doesn't happen would be nice :)
  12. I second this motion. PVP is already broken as it is with so many abilities not coded. Having this despite most likely not playing a major deciding factor in a win still skews the balance making it unbalanced.
  13. Re: Beehive (~Yellow Server~) <t>Hello, My name is Anatzum. I am a recovering guildless noobie.<br/> After joining beehive, I have since rose from the ranks of pleb to uberness.<br/> I fight crime on a daily basis in the form of purging computers of their viruses and always willing to help a fellow guild member in need of saving.<br/> I welcome those who dare to achieve greatness by joining the ranks of the Beehive.</t>
  14. The man pages will be your best friend. you can type "man 'command'" to get the documentation over the specified command. mv would be the move command and rm removes only the specified file unless you use the -r switch which will remove a folder recursively. Before using any commands at the command line its best to read up on their documentation using the man pages.
  15. If your still new to linux, I would avoid Arch until your very comfortable with the command linux. Nobody knows how to install Arch off the top of their head without some sort of guide/documentation so the real reason you need to be confident at the command line is to fix your system when someone goes wrong or breaks. I usually run Linux Mint on my laptop just to make things easy :)
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