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Everything posted by Fargo729

  1. The start is 1m... 3 coin caps is less than that
  2. yeah i still got it
  3. Your offer was too low unfortunately. The auction is cancelled, but i may try another one in the future.
  4. yeah sorry. im new at forum auctions and im not sure of how much it's worth.
  5. thanks for bidding :)
  6. The final bid was 6.5m. This is too low, so the auction is cancelled. (I may try this again in the future)
  7. bump
  8. s.o. 10m insta 15m, auction will last 48 hours after the first bid. [ATTACH=full]60608[/ATTACH]
  9. s.o. 10m insta 15m, auction will last 48 hours after the first bid.
  10. s.o. 1m insta 5m. The auction will last 48 hours after the first bid.
  11. I was trying to catch latios, but i got a message saying that I couldnt store any more pokemon and to release some at the nearest pc. However, i still had 3 slots in my party open, and my pc is not full. I also used mymasterball, which then dissappeared after failing to catch latios.
  12. Am I dead yet
  13. Latias isnt in any of the spawns listed... Help?
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