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  1. nicest guys
  2. Niai

    is the season over?

    The ladder says that it is over but ratings haven't been reset in game. So my question is do these points earned currently still count, or is it a waste of time.
  3. if talon is a big issue for you, i'd say you haven't built your team well
  4. I wouldn't complain if it got banned.
  5. whats the point of being on top, when the bottom is the same?
  6. Yeah I thought Clothes+Title. Seems just 500 coins. Also, can anyone link the video Shane posted one time showing how all the mounts look ingame. I can't find it.
  7. i agree, i don't want people to know when to push i'll get overtaken :(
  8. play ho
  9. Re: WTS HA ADA Talonflame <t>sold.</t>
  10. I reached top 25 using this majestic birdy and you can to! For the low low price of 700k
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