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About Zbobbz

  • Birthday 10/27/1998

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Zbobbz's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. In-game name: zbobbz Server: Silver Pokemon ID and/or screenshot: 41448761
  2. You still have the lonely pancham?
  3. Hi, My in-game name is zbobbz and I'm at server Silver. I've just lost my Pangoro but I don't really know why. Maybe I released him by mistake hours ago. The pangoro is lv. 100 with falseswipe.
  4. Hi, help me to de-level this one. My in-game name is zbobbz. I'm at Silver.
  5. Delevel request: In-game name: zbobbz Server: Silver Pokemon name: Riolu Pokemon ID and/or screenshot: 29971205
  6. Hi. I just released my lv.39 riolu by mistake. Im at server Silver. Its ID is 29971205. Thanks for help
  7. I swear I swear Misty said that she had given the an Eletrizer but I couldn't find it anywhere. It should be a bug or some laggings but she had said that.
  8. how much for the gengar ?
  9. Yesterday, i did fight with boss Misty. She gave me an Eletrizer but i couldn't find it anywhere. I tried to relog several times but no use. My ingame name is: Zbobbz Server: Silver
  10. Re: Kos' Shop \o/ [some EPIC Battlers Inside] <t>shiny unown 150k<br/> first eevee (umb) 250k</t>
  11. Re: Kerza's Shop + Instas added for (almost) everything !! <t>Hi, I want to cancel my offer for shiny hariyama since the bid lasts too long and i dont usually play pro now .</t>
  12. Re: [New Flareon] Kerza's Shop + Instas added for everything !! <t>S hariyama 200k</t>
  13. male ralts 120k
  14. Re: Dae's Pokeshop <t>staryu 5 120k</t>
  15. Re: Jaeco's shop ( UPDATED ) <t>axew 50k</t>
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