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Everything posted by Raureif
There is no such thing like "gamers language"! If you feel like talking to your fellow humans like: "gg, noob" "ez pz" "learn 2 play or go die **** noob!!1" or behave like the stereotypical 12 year old CoD-Gamer, then you are just a bad human being. We are all gamers and have to talk to each other with respect. There are other humans sitting on the other side of the screen and you feeling to have to insult them is really petty. Just because we are "gamers" doesn't give us the right to be toxic to each other just because it is common practice. If at all that "gamers language" and the inbound toxicity ruins our communities and is casting a shadow of immaturity on us all. You have to apologize if you might get banned? You should apologize right now and never do it again, regardless if you can get banned or not. This is part of being a decent human. But if you continue to feel like insulting new players or players that make mistakes in a game, then I fully anticipate your perma bann. Banning such people that can't stop with their toxic behaviour only benefits the game and the community as a whole.
Well, Pokemon Uranium had millions of downloads before it was shut down. I know a lot of people play PRO but it is still a very small game .... at least on a Pokemon-game scale. That PRO is not affiliated with the Pokemon Company doesn't really mean anything. It just says that they are completely independent form them, thus PRO is an unofficial Pokemon game. Much like Pokemon GO, which was developed by Niantic which is also an independent developer. They just bought the Pokemon license to develop their game. I hope PRO did the same otherwise this MMO could see a very brief end once Nintendo's lawyer shut down the servers. The protection from being Beta is not really an obstacle I suppose. I think it's more realistic that Nintendo is ignoring those projects as long as they are too small to justify a lawsuit. After the 1.5 million downloads on Pokemon Uranium the game probably got big enough though, so they forced the developer to shut it down. I don't think that the pay-model has an influence in Nintendo pursuing copyright claims or not. Pokemon Uranium also only relied on completely voluntary donations and still got shut down.
That is indeed a good question! Nintendo is extremely strict when it comes to fanmade games with their brands. Rightfully though because you have to defend your brand as harshly as it has to be ... and Nintendo is pretty harsh. I remember that one fanmade game called Pokemon Uranium version that was swiftly taken down by Nintendo once it got really popular. Funny thing is, that it was completely free if I recall correctly. So they weren't even making money out of it unlike PRO with it's ingame shop. Let's hope PRO isn't just something beneath the radar of Nintendo because it's too small to be worth going against it. But if the game grows that might change. Hopefully there is a legal license the team bought from Nintendo.
At this point Pokemon Revolution Online needs to decide what it wants to be: 1. A game with a global economy where you are supposed to trade for what you want. 2. A singleplayer focused game where the players are meant to catch their own Pokemon and trading is only done occasionally. In the current state it is something weird inbetween. On the one hand some Pokemon are too rare to farm them on their own. You are forced to rely on trading otherwise you won't get them. Also this one-shot philosophy on legendaries embraces the first concept because not every player is meant to get a good legendary on their own. Good legendaries are meant to be freely traded on the global economy. On the other hand PRO actively restricts trading by not providing ingame auction houses or making trading more accesible for many players. Also most traded Pokemon don't count towards PvE so they are restricted to be used in PvP. As a result a global free trade is almost completely suffocated. On my opinion this system doesn't work. Am I supposed to catch my careful Mew with good IVs on my own or am I supposed to trade it? Neither of both options are fully fleshed out which leads to frustrating situations like yours.
How about letting magikarp down to 1 HP and use flail it learns on level 30. It then has a base attack of 200 which should be able to one shot a lot of Pokemon. After all, the only thing that Magikarp can is being fast so it will outspeed the enemy fairly quickly on higher levels. Has anyone tried the flail strategy?
Increasing Spawn Rates will not at all devalue any rare Pokemon. The only thing that will change is the usage of it in PvP and the amount of people that can afford them. Raising a top tier PvP team with rare Pokemon without trade is a task for years. Just some math: A physical sweeper for PvP would have following probabilities: Nature: 50 % (with synchro) Hidden ability: 5 % (without membership) Attack : 10 % (29, 30, 31 are tolerated IVs out of 30 possible IVs) Defense : 20 % (26 - 31 are tolerated out of the 30 possible) Special Attack : 100 % (irrelevant for a physical sweeper) Special Defense : 20 % Speed : 10 % HP : 20 % If we sum those probabilities up we have a chance of 0,0002 % for that specific Pokemon to spawn, which means that we need to catch on average 500,000 Pokemon to get it with those stats. And that is calculated for a 100% spawn rate like Magikarp in Sootopolis. If we also calculate an extremely rare spawn rate like Dratini with (ONLY PREDICTED NUMBER!) 0,3%, we would have to fight 166,666,666, yes onehundred-sixty-six-million Pokemon to get one perfect Dratini with hidden ability to spawn. The membership was not calculated because it is in my opinion a pay to win mechanic for hidden ability Pokemon. ----------------------------------- Now if we even this out on a server wide population a few "perfect" super rare Pokemon with hidden ability might spawn but at this point Pokemon Revolution Online needs to get a clear direction: 1. Should there be spawn rates adjusted for a global population, meaning that free trade determines the value of a Pokemon 2. Every player on himself should be able to catch every Pokemon with perfect stats given a suitable amount of time (grinding over 1 million Pokemon for one catch is not a suitable amount of time ...) The current spawn system clearly is the first one where spawns are calculated for the global population. However, I don't see enough trade or auctions to support a strong trading economy around those rare Pokemon so PRO (in my opinion) suffocates itelf because of that. My wish: Massively increase spawn rates so that every player has the chance to farm perfect rare Pokemon on their own.
Re: ► Spawn Repel Trick ~ All known pokemon spawns [+30 spawns ~ 7/13/2017]◄ <t>I have a question about the feasibility of this. <br/> <br/> You said you would need way more than 20 repel on super rare pokemon. How many on average?<br/> <br/> Obviously if you would run away you wouldn't have to pay any repels. How much time do you actually save on a grind, given that the spawn rates stay the same? I don't need exact numbers, I just want to know if you save a lot of time or not.<br/> <br/> On higher level farming grounds the trash pokemon you defeat do give a good amount of money. Wouldn't it be better to defeat them, rather than avoiding them and pay additionally for super repels?</t>
I would also recommend farming clefairy on the moon since their encounter rate is just beautiful. You also get 4 free healings so you can spend days up there, provided you have enough pokeballs.
The thing is: How do I know? It's not like the PRO meta is the same you find on smogon or other pvp websites so the only real way to get to know it, is to play the game. However, for that I need a team, so I sticked to basic team roles to get started. After all: This should not be a prefessional team. It is solely meant to get me started without getting me utterly destroyed. I will then (hopefully) learn what is missing for the current meta. Is Volcarona that common? I thought it only would be seen in high level PvP because it is so rare. That's a good point ... I will have to work on that one. Thanks for your answers! I highly appreciate it.
Hi! This should only be a fast check up for my future PvP team so I know what I have to work on. It focuses on a balanced team which is easy to build so no excessive grinding is necessary. Lead/Spinner/Hazard Donphan Item: Leftover Ability: Sturdy Nature: Impish EV: Def 252, HP 252, Atk 4 1 = Stealth Rock 2 = Rapid Spin 3 = Earthquake 4 = Roar Physical Bulky Sweeper Scizor Item: Life Orb Ability Technician Nature: Adamant EV: Atk 252, Speed 252, Def 4 1 = Sword Dance 2 = Bullet Punch 3 = Superpower 4 = X-scissor (Bug Bite if it is coded) Physical Revenge Sweeper Weavile Item: Life Orb Ability: Pressure Nature: Adamant EV: Atk 252, Speed 252, HP 4 1 = Ice Shard 2 = Knock Off 3 = Ice Punch 4 = Low Kick Special Tank Clefable Item: Leftover Ability: Magic Guard Nature: Bold EV: Def 252, HP 252, Spatk 4 1 = Calm Mind 2 = Moonblast 3 = Softboiled 4 = Thunder Wave Special Revenge Sweeper Gengar Item: Choice Scarf Ability: Levitate Nature: Modest EV: Spatk 252, Speed 252, HP 4 1 = Shadow Ball 2 = Psychic 3 = Thunder Bolt 4 = Sludge Bomb Physical Tank Slowbro Item: Leftover Ability: Own Tempo (Regenerator as hidden ability is too rare) Nature: Bold EV: 252 Def, 252 HP, 4 SpDef 1 = Calm Mind 2 = Scald 3 = Slack Off 4 = Psychic This would be my first PvP Team in PRO. I tried to get the moves right so they fit the current code of the game. I also highly appreciate not too rare Pokemon because I want to start PvP with an easy to grind team. I don't want to grind for months until I'm ready for my first fight. After all, experience is everything. So please hit me with possible improvements! If this build has a chance in beginning PvP, I will happily start grinding out those Pokemon. ~Raureif~
I don't want to break the "Gengar-Meta" because automatic heals after each fight won't touch it. It would only make other pokemon viable. I try to get different team setups every time I start a new run. Using Ampharos, Yanmega, Ambipom etc. which are all not bad pokemon but simply not suitable for the e4 in PRO because of the very high healing costs they require. I really think it is a shame that I have to discard my PvE team at the gates of the e4 because I can't afford to heal them after the battles. I don't think people always choose those fast sweepers just because they are good. A large fraction will also be conscious about the huge costs other pokemon will require so they see themselves forced into using fast sweepers. As I said: It would be a small change. It wouldn't touch the current best method (high level- fast sweeper) It would bring back a lot of variety and fun in e4 fights.
The suggestion is to heal your team after each fight which is a suggestion. I can't picture how this isn't a suggestion right now? Anyways, what I want to say here is, that a really simple change could bring diversity into the e4 fights which makes them less unbalanced. I don't want fully planned out teams to work in e4 battles but instead making other pokemon a viable option again. It's also not about free healing and money saving since this isn't the current practice in e4 fights. There simply isn't a money drain whatsoever in the e4 since fast sweeper cut through it without getting hit. The e4 from the originals work without healing because you don't have anything else to spend your money on unlike here in an MMO. Also you get enough money after every win so you can happily healspam all day long. This is not possible in PRO because money is not just a number. That is exactly the point I want to tackle. A lot of pokemon are simply not feasible in the e4 because they are slow and getting hit and need healing items for the next fight. This disqualifies them for e4 fights if you could simply get your lvl 80 Gengar and wreck things without a blink. Also training your not fast sweeper team up takes you a much longer time than getting a fast sweeper who can do the job even better. At least for me it is no fun to crush through the e4 with level 80 pokemon since this is a guaranteed win. I first tried the Kanto e4 with lvl 65 pokemon and would have won if I wouldn't have minded the money I would loose. After the number crunching I was getting myself 2 fast sweepers and made the e4 in the first try. No interesting fights but simply "press one button for the win". The alternative was to loose 50000 pokedollar which at that time was half of my total wealth.
Hey guys! I have a preference question for you: What would you prefer: Game Design over rarity or Game Desing over diversity? What do I mean with rarity? A game designed around rarity is giving away its loot (here pokemon) with really low spawn rates so you rarely encounter the valuable pokemon. This system creates very special and very important pokemon since the odds of getting another one are extremely low. This separates you from other community members which either weren't as lucky as you or don't have the time/money to afford these top tier pokemon. People in PvP will try to get their perfect team and hone it with better and better IVs until they can get to the top of the rankings. Obviously PRO already features this system. What is diversity? A game designed around diversity is giving away its loot (pokemon) very generous on top tier quality. It is usually rather easy to get top tier pokemon with maximum IVs. This of course requires a huge diversity in content so that a single "perfect" pokemon doesn't matter that much like it would be in the rarity system. This could be done by implementing a lot of different pvp leagues that only allow certain pokemon into it (Smogon University formats for instance). People in PvP will try to get a lot of different teams to be able to participate in different leagues and won't focus so much on getting that one team with perfect pokemon. What is your opinion on this? Would you prefer the current system where the chat basically freaks out when you post a perfect IV roll on your pokemon? or Would you rather get those "rare" pokemons relatively easy but have to train a lot of different species for all the different PvP leagues?
The elite 4 pokemon league battles are broken at the moment! This is a pretty harsh sentence to write but stick with me and I will tell you why that is the case and why the e4 battles from the original pokemon games perform so much better. Basically PRO changed 3 things on the e4 battles that made them unbalanced: 1. No money is gained after the battles. 2. No experience is gained. 3. Ingame money is not only used for consumables. Why are those things making the e4 unbalanced? Because there is only one single feasible way to beat it in PRO: A level 80+ fast sweeper (Gengar, Starmie, Jynx). All other options are laughable compared to this tactic because you simply can't afford to heal your pokemon ..... and no, I'm not talking about a heal spam during the battles. If we imagine a full 6 pokemon team that is barely able to get through the e4, it will probably need 5 revives and 6 heals after each battle. This can easily cost you well beyond 50000 pokedollar for only one run through all fights. A lvl 80 fast sweeper will cost you absolutely nothing because you don't need to heal or revive it. This fact basically destroys every tactical team layout you can have. If you are not using fast sweepers you will get hit and you will have to heal after each battle. Even the greatest and strongest stallers are inferior to a fast sweeper because they are just unbearably expensive to use on your team. On the other side it's really easy to level up a fast sweeper to lvl 80 whilst getting a balanced 6 member team with booster and staller in it takes ages to get strong enough. This is simply not balanced. A balanced 6 member team should be able to achieve more than a single highlevel, fast sweeper. In fact a full team is more powerful but it's simply too expensive for its use in the pokemon league. Now, people will always love their lvl 80 Gengars in the Kanto e4 because it is a failproof and easy strategy. But this is not a reason to outright banish every other playstyle because the ingame economy doesn't allow it. Spending 50000 pokedollar is huge and you are far better off spending it on something useful (a bike for instance). Healing your pokemon between the e4 battles is a waste of money since high level fast sweeper will do the fights for free. In the originals you don't have anything else to spend your money on and you will earn a ton of it after beating the trainers. Fast sweepers are still cheaper to run but a balanced team remains feasible. My suggestion is that after each e4 battle your whole team gets healed up so you no longer have to pay for revives outside of the battles. This would barely influence the high level fast sweepers (since they are going through it almost untouched anyways) but would finally make other teamsetups viable. It is a shame to raise a pve team just to trash it on the gates of the e4 and get yourself a good old level 80 Gengar ....... not because you want to, but you have to.