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Everything posted by Itztedric

  1. Re: Epic PvP Skarmory / Gliscor / Ambipom / Florges <t>Updated.</t>
  2. Re: Epic PvP Skarmory / Gliscor / Ambipom / Florges <r><I><s></s><B><s></s>Update<e></e></B><e></e></I> - Florges sold for 800k to Ashsama24</r>
  3. Re: Epic PvP Skarmory / Gliscor / Ambipom / Florges <r><B><s></s><I><s></s>Update<e></e></I><e></e></B> - Gliscor insta sold to RiceBall99</r>
  4. maybe change the title to "delete" or "close" so that staff can see it easier :p
  5. Re: Epic PvP Skarmory / Gliscor / Ambipom / Florges <r><IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/f6CxCRq.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> <br/> Florges 600k c.o by giovanna, ends tomorrow at this time.</r>
  6. s.o 1m / insta 2m s.o 600k / insta 1.2m sold insta to RiceBall99 sold by 800k to AshSama24 sold to BoneBuilder
  7. ill insta bisharp but can you plz teach knock off instead of pshyco cut? :)
  8. Re: Wts epic - Gible, Timid Togepi, Naive Staryu~ <t>start togepi</t>
  9. PM ingame ill show you wich ones i got :)
  10. Re: PvP Ready Epic Skarmory / Leafeon <t>close.</t>
  11. Re: PvP Ready Epic Skarmory / Leafeon <t>@Dipidydip try to contact me when you are online.</t>
  12. Re: PvP Ready Epic Skarmory / Leafeon <t>Both auctions are now over! Gratz to the winners ill try to pm ingame :)</t>
  13. Re: PvP Ready Epic Skarmory / Leafeon <t>Less than 8h left :)</t>
  14. Re: PvP Ready Epic Skarmory / Leafeon <t>24h auction each thanks for your bids :)</t>
  15. c.o 1m by Dipidydip, ends 26 Nov 8pm c.o 1m by LazyPanda69, ends 26 Nov 11pm
  16. So with this new boss bug are our consecutive wins reseted too? i had 2 consecutive wins, now appears as 0..
  17. close.
  18. Re: WTS PvP Ready Umbreon <t>Update.</t>
  19. Re: Vergessnheit's PVP shop! H.A talon, epic blissey . and more <t>i start talonflame :)</t>
  20. Re: Slowbro Johto H.A Bold <t>how long is the auction?</t>
  21. Re: Slowbro Johto H.A Bold <t>500k.</t>
  22. Re: WTS PvP Ready Umbreon <t>Update.</t>
  23. Re: wts ada talonflame gale wings [ready pvp] <t>1m here</t>
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