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Everything posted by Bigredbutton

  1. i can buy 1.5 mil pm me in game or message me here: bigredbutton
  2. WTB pink scizor / pink gyarados / xmas haxorus / hallo togekiss / hallo chestnaught / hallo delphox / event bisharp / easter togekiss pvp viable if possible Pm me and we can negotiate Thank you!
  3. Would you be willing to sell it now
  4. Hello, I have a pokemon, (Ludicolo, 19137241) whose previous owner forgot to learn hydro pump, and thus I can't learn the move through the move relearner. Is there any way I can teach it to my pokemon? Thank you!
  5. when does auction end?
  6. oh yeah sorry 400k
  7. Looking forward to it! :)
  8. Hello, I've been finding fun in catching pokemon that I remember from my childhood, and I was wondering if there are plans to implement Keldeo or Shaymin into the game. They're my all-time favorite pokemon, and it would be a dream if my favorite pokemon can be catchable in my favorite game. Thanks!
  9. The zip file seems to be corrupted.
  10. Hello, None of the tips above worked. When will a new client be released? Thank you
  11. Hello, The game was working 5 minutes ago, but after closing the game and reopening, I'm getting an error message: Pokemon Revolution quit unexpectedly. The error message will be attached below. https://pastebin.com/eqfn9eBs What is wrong? Thank you
  12. Ah, I see, Thanks
  13. Hello, In ranked pvp, whenever I am faced against a togekiss with air slash, I flinch every turn, instead of the 30% chance it should have. I have lost several matches due to this bug, for I am not able to use any of my moves. thank you
  14. Bye :) <r>I'm relatively new to pro so I don't know a lot of people, but I just want to thank you for giving us the opportunity to win prizes! <br/> <br/> My favorite pokemon is Groudon, because I have vivid memories of my younger self finding resemblance between it and roly polies, my favorite bug. It brings back a lot of nostalgia and I hope that someday Groudon will be catchable in game. <br/> <br/> I want to win a lvl 100 torterra or anything that will help me in the story. I would also like to be gifted with a rare shiny. I always wanted a shiny other than my rattata and geodude (lol). Money would be nice too, but tbh I would be thrilled to get any of the prizes you have listed (except for casino coins, I dont even know what it is, and gear).<br/> <br/> For Christmas I want to be selected for the giveaway! <br/> <br/> Best of luck with your life in the future and PICK ME! <E>:Heart-eyes:</E></r>
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