Bye :)
<r>I'm relatively new to pro so I don't know a lot of people, but I just want to thank you for giving us the opportunity to win prizes! <br/>
My favorite pokemon is Groudon, because I have vivid memories of my younger self finding resemblance between it and roly polies, my favorite bug. It brings back a lot of nostalgia and I hope that someday Groudon will be catchable in game. <br/>
I want to win a lvl 100 torterra or anything that will help me in the story. I would also like to be gifted with a rare shiny. I always wanted a shiny other than my rattata and geodude (lol). Money would be nice too, but tbh I would be thrilled to get any of the prizes you have listed (except for casino coins, I dont even know what it is, and gear).<br/>
For Christmas I want to be selected for the giveaway! <br/>
Best of luck with your life in the future and PICK ME! <E>:Heart-eyes:</E></r>