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Everything posted by C4s4nov4

  1. NAME CHANGE Username: idougz New Username: c4s4nov4 Server to charge the money from: Gold
  2. Name change please. Current username: idougz Change into: k4v3r4
  3. Re: EPIC larvesta INSTA ADDED <t>2m for me ~~</t>
  4. Re: SHINY Chimecho <t>700k for me</t>
  5. We, BrazilArmy, want to rent the bot! We want to rent following features: ● Basic commands We are willing to pay 250k monthly for i
  6. Re: Shiny Breloom <t>HAVE LEFT DAYS ??</t>
  7. 5,1 FOR ME ~~
  8. interested machamp ~~
  9. Jynx and pikachu left 6 hours for finished ~~ C.O 3.6M JYNX C.O 1.1M PIKACHU ~~~~
  10. 2 day left ~~ jynx and pikachu ~~ deddene pm me !
  11. pm me ingame = idougz interest starly
  12. NICK INGAME : Idougz Deddene Inicial offer : 4.5m Insta : ???? Ampharos timid good Inicial offer : 2m Insta : ????? Jynx Modest Hidden ability Inicial offer : 3.5m Insta : ???? Manetric spd ++ Inicial offer : 3m Insta : ???? Pikachu hidden ability Inicial offer : 1m Insta : ???? Girafarig >> Inicial offer : 400k Insta : ????
  13. Re: wts eevee h.a/modest and omanyte ss/modest <t>500k for omanyte >.></t>
  14. Re: Wts 164ivs h.a.abra 139ivs Machop no guard/adamant <t>buy abra >.> pm me ingame !</t>
  15. Re: wts eevee h.a/modest and omanyte ss/modest <t>400k omanyte</t>
  16. FINISH : 19/04/2017 start : 1m insta : 3m start : 600k insta : 1.2m start : 1m insta : 4m
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