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  1. npc name : Syc dialouge : (before fight)-You must be atleast age 18 or over to pass (after fight-win)come back when you're more experienced,i'll take you on any time (after fight-lose)....then again,i'm just an npc,not the guard. location: near the end/at the start of victory road
  2. bump :D
  3. tho i dont mind,i'd prefer not to run into them :P
  4. Re: WTS epic bold blissey. ENDS SOON <t>am retracting my offer due to certain reasons,gl bidding all</t>
  5. IGN - syc89 country - bangladesh reason: i wanna play zelda BOTW real bad :v and the games that come out later(especially pokemon)
  6. when u say 2000hr,u mean gmt i assume?
  7. Re: WTS epic bold blissey <r>700k <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  8. auction 48hrs once start price called accept 15day ms=250k start price:700k insta:1.4m auction started @ start price:300k insta: to be added auction started @ start price:500k insta: to be added auction started @ start price:400k insta: 700k auction started @
  9. hmm? i'll start :Smile:
  10. Re: WTS epic bold blissey <r>500k <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  11. Re: Gambilicious's sale shop (UPDATED 19.03) <r><QUOTE author="Gambilicious"><s> </e></QUOTE> will buy excadrill,insta</r>
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