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Everything posted by Boomsaver

  1. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ UPDATED with Ev spots in Hoenn (Looking for players to help) [7/2/16] <t>Combo ev's spot (hoen)<br/> Desert<br/> <br/> Sandshrew,Sandslash (def ev)<br/> common and all day<br/> <br/> AND<br/> <br/> Diglett,Dugtrio (spd ev)<br/> common and all day</t>
  2. my problem is gone after a few client restarts but thanks for the help ^^
  3. PRO Username: Boomsaver Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: No On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? yesterday evening i used dive on rout 128 i think and tryed to battle a trainer. the server had some laggs at this moment so the battle didnt started, after a while i got stuck and logged out of the game closed the client and schut down pc etc. i relogged today and imagine that i was still stuck and tryed to use an escape rope, it telepoted me back to moosdeep city but i still cant move. What have you already tried to solve the problem? everything i knew about unstuck tricks exept reinstall the game Description and Message
  4. Red in your list isnt the ability pick up so are you working for it that this will be work soon?
  5. ok i will follow this page here for more Infos tell me if there is somthing new here ^^
  6. IGN: Boomsaver Hours Played: 452 hours Like helping other players? ofcorse i am helping all the time (or better say trying) in the german channel and i am sometimes at the all channel to rate/help others who need help :Angel: Why should i be in your guild: i am searching for a Long time to find a nice and funny guild. and this guild seems to be very friendly. ok i dont have karp at the moment but i can change this at any time ^^. my englisch is not the best but hey i am learning from you guys and from the School. :Grin: :Light: ah before i Forget it ....... SPLASH!!!
  7. wow still 6hours downtime for the Servers today pro was not as Long as today down i whish i could join today :(
  8. Re: $2,000,000 PokeDollar Give-Away for 1st PRO X-MAS! <r>Ho ho ho <br/> i Which you all happy Christmas days <br/> have a nice december and glory gifts for the 24.december <br/> Merry Christmas Pokemon Revolution Online (Pro! 475) ( <E>:Angel:</E> <br/> <br/> aww yes PRO is growing more and more, and you gifts us all with nice Events good created maps and other stuffs<br/> for the Players.<br/> I like this game really much and I cant wait until hoen comes <E>:Grin:</E> <br/> <br/> i wonder what you have for us until the Christmas Event <br/> (i hope there are glaceons available <E>:Heart-eyes:</E> )<br/> <br/> thanks for everything !!!</r>
  9. 25k eevee :Grin:
  10. i found some places where you can better Train atk, hp and spez atk :Light: ATK: Tohjo falls (johto) there are only Goldeen (1 ATK ev) and Seaking ( 2 ATK ev) Spez Atk : IIlex forest (johto) there are only Psyducks ( 1 Spez Atk ev) and Golducks (2 Spez Atk ev) at night there are Polis but that doesnt matter HP: Route 47 (johto) only night) there are to 90% only noctowls (2 HP ev) I hope I could help you :Grin: :thanks:
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