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  1. Hi I would like to buy the h.a. tododile pls. Thank you. IGN: Kaiserragna
  2. Hello, I would like to buy the h.a. male nidoran pls ^.^ IGN: Kaiserragna
  3. So I came across a pvp battle where my fire pokemon got frozen and when I used flare blitz (which is supposed to thaw me) the pokemon stayed frozen. Just wanted to address this as it is an issue that shouldn't happen. Thanks :)
  4. Thank you so much Astrea, was a long process but in the end I am finally available to play PRO! :D
  5. Idk if this is what u guys need but here it goes:
  6. Can someone help?...
  7. I am having an issue with the game. Yesterday I had no problems running the game, no crashes, no lag, fps stabilized. Anyway... now once I tried to login back I got a crash error. As I got this I immediately proceeded to follow the instructions provided in this topic thread: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?threads/▶︎-read-this-before-making-a-support-topic-◀︎.28250/ And then followed the guide provided on how to fix this specific error on Windows 10: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/12212-url For some reason the game kept giving me the same exact error as before. So I would like to know if there is any other way I can fix this problem? If there isn't I have no other choice but to wait until a new update launch. ;(
  8. That's an idea that pleases my eyes
  9. 1)Which is your favorite Pokemon and why? Absol, because I always felt a great connection with him since I first played Pokemon. Pokemon Saphire was my first pokemon game ever and Absol was the best pokemon on my team. I really love him since then. 2)Who is your best friend and why? All of my friends are my best friends. They are not clothes or any sort of thing. I don't have a favourite. 3)Why u want to win? Because why not? You gave all of us a chance to win. So I am just one more player who entered the contest. 4)What is your special wish? Special wish uh?... I guess I would like to know more things about this world, and meet a lot of new places and people :)
  10. Sorry already have one but thanks for the offer
  11. Up! Just helping out :Angel:
  12. I am confused about this shop... Am I supposed to buy a pokemon or nah? ;-;
  13. Hi, Blaziken H.A. and Greninja H.A. are not banned from pvp? If they aren't can someone explain me why? Thanks :)
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