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Everything posted by Digit

  1. --Moved to Proper Forum--
  2. --Moved to Proper Forum--
  3. Our GMs are fantastic at discovering botters. The botters usually make themselves pretty obvious and are dealt with accordingly. If you do spot a botter, as superpichu999 said, please post a report in this forum!
  4. -- Moved Topic To Proper Forum -- I hope you have a blast in Yellow server!
  5. There is no current ETA on those items. Stay tuned to this topic for the latest updates made available.
  6. Welcome to PRO! I hope you thoroughly enjoy your time playing!
  7. Sorry about the disconnect! There's a new policy located in this post about disconnects which was implemented to combat abuse of disconnects. I suggest you bookmark that post for future information about updates!
  8. Welcome to PRO, Lumens! I hope you enjoy your time here! If you need help with quests or other game mechanics, check out this forum! If you need support, check out this forum!
  9. Hello! Welcome to PRO. I hope you enjoy your time here! We have many game guides on this forum if you need help or get stuck on a quest!
  10. Valencia Island is not implemented yet as its still being worked on. No ETA for it yet.
  11. Can you login here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/dashboard and see if it says you're banned?
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