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Posts posted by Digit

  1. 297591 ohkk thanks


    Alright, so I think your battle just got lost in translation due to you battling him before the full script was implemented. It should be different during your next go around. Try it out on other bosses now that the script is fully implemented and let me know how it goes!

  2. 297488 HIii

    I dont know whether boss cooldown checker has been fully implemented or not.

    If no then sorry about this post.

    If yes please help me as i fought boss pumpkin king, koichi today and still it says they are ready to battle.

    Thank u


    Gonna move this to bugs and notify Thor as yes, that's a new NPC, so there's bound to be bugs.

  3. 294764 I am playing this game now for almost 1050hours and I feel like this game is heavily under moderated.


    I am waiting for tickets over 1week, mods are rarely seen in the the battlechat, sometimes in tradechat. I am not quite sure what they are doing but isn't the job from a moderator to moderate the game such a answer to tickets or mute/ban players?

    I have 6 open tickets and two of them are like 1min answers, look at the screenshot and ban the player for 2-3days, quite an easy task to do.


    a user was spamming in Tradechat for RMT like 9straight hours and nobody cares about it, user constantly write trade related stuff in other chats than the tradechat and stuff like that


    quite easy task to do but I rarely see moderators actually do stuff, maybe its just me


    nothing against the forum work, its quite good :)


    If you take a look at the staff page on the member list, you will see that we are, indeed, understaffed. We're working on changing that currently! Also, remember that the staff is all volunteer-based so we all have lives besides PRO. Thirdly, just because you don't see us doesn't mean we're not there. I was on yellow all day yesterday lurking and modding, but only showed myself a few times. :)

  4. 294272 ^ exactly what I thought, not much I can do about it besides "let it go". It needs to be dealt more seriously though, for someone that value personal integrity more than anything, this threat/accusation is worse than swearing to me. I know people who pm "report" to anything they think is over-priced in trade chat for "scamming", and that is a lot worse than swearing. Because in order to make a context for one to swear, the other party's gotta did something that's worth swearing at; where as in my case, people who I don't even know and have never dealt with starts doing that. It's worse than swearing, needs more legit punishment than just a "warning".


    Contrary to some people's opinions, we try our best to not come across as "Nazi Mods". If you really think we should quietban/temp ban etc for one PM out of the blue, what do you think people are going to start to think about us? I'm sorry that you feel personally offended by one PM. You always have the option to click social and switch from online to appear offline if you don't want to receive PMs. Then, you can come online only when you need to PM.


    As Lunestra said above, if it turns into multiple PMs keep screenshots of all of them and then present it as one harassment case. This definitely is punishable.

  5. 293697 Hello, i have question to Gamemasters etc.


    I have account on the red server and i want clear my data on it.

    Could you make it or something?

    Ewentualy i have another way to clear data? i wan't make new account:(

    Sorry for my english :(


    Robert. M



    I'm sorry, but we don't wipe accounts by request. You can make another account or play on a different server.

  6. 291702 Hi everyone, I had just received the key from Team Rocket in Celadon City and I was wondering where to go from here. I don't know where to use the key or where to take it, can anyone help me? Thanks again, -Nit


    Check out this guide for the Celadon quest! https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=119&t=23990


    Anytime you're stuck on a quest, have a look at the quest guides part of the forum here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=119

    Hope this helps!

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