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Posts posted by Digit

  1. 278273 I've done every crash fix posted on the thread and nothing worked, it continues to crash. It works when I run it through directx9 but it'll glitch heavily by the entire battle box disappearing. I've already cleared my cache, I've updated every driver and still nothing will work. Will there be a patch soon so this won't happen in the future? I've got membership and it's going to waste because I'm unable to play normally.


    What are your system specs?

    Which client are you using? 32 bit or 64? Have you tried using the other?

    Try deleting completely, extracting again and forcing directx9 before you play for first time.

    You can also try reinstalling directx9 specifically from here: https://offlineinstallersoft.blogspot.com/2014/04/downlaod-directx-91011112-offline.html#.V-6J7-9rjmF

  2. 279801
    279776 I have used escape rope, restarted the game, talked to a NPC, alt + tab. I think I automatically move forward. Any help would be very much appreciated. :thanks:


    Could you post a screenshot of where you're stuck?


    Were at route 104 when I got stuck.


    Now that I used an Escape Rope, https://imgur.com/a/uULUF


    You're not using a controller, are you? That could cause you to automatically go up.

    If not, make sure you don't have a key stuck. Open up notepad and see if it types automatically.

    Alternatively, you can also click and drag to move your character. See if that lets you move.

  3. 279693 Hello: /

    I have computer version problems...My computer is a Windows 10 version 64byte...I have downloaded 64 byte version (more and more time).Then when i try to take it out from winrar the program says "the archive is corrupted "twice (first problem).I can start PRO but the launcher is very slow (five minutes to open log in page,while on Phone it takes only 20 second)(second problem).Sometimes it doesn t allow me to arrive to login page.When i succeed in logging in i can see very big lag problems(it s not my connetion, i use ethernet 1G a second.It s not even my computer characteristics :16 gb ram,video card 2 gb,core i7)and crash (third problem).I have used Shane ' s guide but...it only helped me with the speed of the launcher (30 second)while causing big graphic problem and lag every 10 seconds.I know that this is a beta but the android version has only Little problems...while this...help me please :confused:


    It sounds to me like winrar is corrupting the files somehow. Could you delete all the files and then try extracting with 7zip or the default windows extractor?

  4. 278576 Hy guys,


    Thx for your fast replies.


    The level of my pokemon don't return, and it's the real problem haha.

    I thinked too i needed go to a relearner, but i prefered ask the question before. :)


    One more time sorry for my bad english :D

    Have a good day and a good game !


    Let us know if that fixed it for you! I'll keep this open until we hear back just in case.

  5. 278578 Yeah, It's fine already, I can play my secondary account for now, I want to reach 4th gym on that account anyway. I guess I should avoid to move around small areas in the future, the only thing that I thought that made antibot system thought I was a bot back then.

    Thx for all the answer


    The autoban very very rarely is wrong in its bans. Contrary to some people's beliefs, the staff doesn't go around just randomly banning players.


    In the future, please keep all talk about bans in the proper section, Discipline Appeals. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=32


    These topics tend to get toxic in public really quickly, but I appreciate that you remained calm throughout.

    Locking as solved.

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