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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. STARTING BID: 800k Min INCREASE: 150k Auction ends 72 hours after first bid Accept CC: 400, REROLL: 700k
  2. lowered the insta to 9m
  3. I also accept CC= 380k reroll= 600k
  4. Auction ends 7th of march 4pm GMT+1
  5. selling this bad boy Starting bid= 2m Insta= 9m auction ends 3 days after openingbid mininum raise =200K only bid on forum please good luck have fun
  6. cant find the fossil maniac in ruins of alph and have lots of claw and root fossils plz hel^p
  7. i want to fight the lt surge boss, but there are some lighting rays blocking my path how do i get rid of those? plz help
  8. i tried to sync a rotom and spored with my breloom wich had a toxic orb and the rotom tricked my toxic orb and died and now my orb is gone Silver server ign: DashCleanem
  9. just here to express my feelings about the staff.. i think theyre great and theyre so helpfull, this needs to be said! ty for making the game so much fun!! sincerely Dash x
  10. I accidently released my ludicolo with my choise specs on it. Dont care about the pokemon, just want my specs back. idk the number but it was around 4-5 pm GMT+1 silver server Name: DashCleanem
  11. name: DashCleanem Server: Silver GMT+1 (Belgium) online the whole afternoon/evening request: devolve and delevel
  12. i'd like to learn spore to my breloom and i think it needs to be devolved before it can learn it if this is possible
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