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Everything posted by Xblackdarknessx

  1. Hello to anyone that already know who I am. Also hello to those that do not. My name is Ryan/IGN: xBLacKDarKnEssX I was here for the first few weeks of the BETA stage helping the staff members solve bugging problems. I left the game due to an illness and in asll honesty, I completely forgot about it until my mate reminded me that the server was still online. So I came back to complete the storylines. I have taken a while to introduce myself correctly as I completed the storylines first :P Anyhow, I am 27 years old. Was previously mad about Pokemon to the point where I came online every single day just to cure my Pokemon addiction :P Now, I am online near enough everyday anyway :P I am currently a member with many previous donations as I would love to see this game succeed now, and in the near future. I am forced to play on bot PC and ANDROID. (Wishing it came out on iOS) No luck so far I guess. All in good time though. Anyway, I am posting this introduction as a way to meet new/old players. So for now. Peace out! <3
  2. Thanks for this [uSER=678012]@SaradaX[/uSER]. Needed the Sinnoh walkthrough as ive been holding it off for so long xD
  3. Duskull is registering as SpDef EV's btw!
  4. In all fairness, a lot has changed. More regions. (A new one out very soon) Headbutt on trees, more pokemon, new spawns ect. Ima have a good ol'field day. Thank you all for the welcoming back :) <3
  5. Hey everyone. I was here during the preBETA stages of the game when it first came out. Not played this in a very long time. However, since the BETA-Wipe, I've decided to make my return back. I started playing this with my best friend. And at the same time, we decided to come back. I love how progresseive the server looks since we was away. Looks amazing. Anyway, only here to drop a hello :)
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