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Posts posted by Sophitia

  1. 270246 I was playing this game and accumulated 903+ hrs of game time, i am sure i have seen entei in johto saffari and suicune in tohjo falls before and raikou which is i presumed its in mt silver, but i dont see them anymore, namely both entei and suicune which i realy have seen. I need to battle them for my dex in order to get my celebi..but i think they were removed.

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  2. 232887 So I've got a timid synchronize Xatu I've been using to attempt to catch timid Noibats. He has been leading my party, not fainted, and for the last 7 or so catches, I even switch back to him on the turn I'm throwing the pokeball after I've paralyzed and false swiped the Noibats I'm catching, but Synchronize just doesn't appear to work for whatever reason.




    The odds of not being able to get a single timid Noibat out of 15 is staggering. In fact, the majority of them have a brave nature, which is the opposite of timid. I also caught multiple Golbats and Tentacools in the same area and they had a timid nature roughly 50% of the time. Do I just have the absolute worst luck or could this be a bug/intentional? It seems very strange to only affect this one pokemon. With how rare Noibat in the first place, and a limited time frame to catch them, this is starting to get very annoying. :Angry:



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    Locked as the issue has been addressed in the other replies.

  3. 270358 Yo, first of all i'm not asking to allow pikachu destroy onix with thundershock but I would lvoe to see some pokemon avaible earlier just so I can roleplay as ash which gives me amazing fillnig when i catch the same as he did, at the same time.


    Since I don't see any good solution to this. Because there is no possible way to get all the starters before 3rd gym.

    The only thing that would allow this is avaible trading with other players straight from the beginning like it is in *this other mmo pokemon game* for example.

    Please tell me why trading is unlocked only after rainbow badge?

    It destroys my flow. :/

    Thank you for share your ideas. Unfortunately, we can't help you to accomplish your dream in PRO as the difference between anime and game. The reason these poke starter can't be hunt early of the game is we don't want all the poke start placed in the same place in the storyline process. As you see they all are different type of pokemon, so we have putted them in specific environment. You can find out after you continue with to story. For trading issue, we aren't letting players trade early of the game because we want to prevent players abuse this feature to gain their own benefits. The other reason I can tell you is we don't want these trading feature to make you lose the experience of storyline. These difficulties are not designed to create more hard time for players, it is the process of experiencing the game. Sorry for any inconvenience you had.

  4. 247792 Your account could not be activated. Please re-check the link or contact the system administrator.




    I am giving this error every time I turn on my account what should I do ?


    If you have emails issue you can check this topic for further support.

    The topic has mentioned that:

    If you received your mail but you got this sentence : "Your account could not be activated. Please re-check the link or contact the system administrator" keep on trying with the link you got, it can take time.If not then try again in an hour or two. If you still weren't able to activate then you need to do the other account using Gmail if possible .
  5. 245663 Hello,


    Since i started the game, i have a problem with my pokedex : for the seen, owned and evolve, its work correctly, but i can't have any data of all my pokemon (seen and owned ! )


    Its still show me "???"


    Just like this (its like that for each pokemon seen and owned) : https://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=297023Capturedu20160713031432.png


    I tried to reinstall many time the game, download again and again the new version. I tried to go to the pc of Oaks in his lab. I tried to looking for the same problem in this forum(not resolved) and in google... not fixed :(


    Can somebody please could try to help me to fix this disturbing and unfortunate problem ?


    Thank you guys :)



    Since you already have another active thread for this issue, I’ll be locking this one.

    <B><SIZE size="130">

  6. 268108 Hello!


    I always experience this.

    Everytime I use a move that has a recoil it happens to damage my pokemon two times.

    First is when after the attack and second is when the "pokemon was hurt by recoil".

    This results to much more damage and sometimes my pokemon faints.



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  7. 267476

    from what i saw, i should find one there though i seem to cannot :(

    looking for one for over an hour already...

    can you get it only with some kind of rod? because im trying to get it with "good rod"...


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    You need Super Rod in order to hunt Horsea. Also, you can try to find other place to hunt it. :)

  8. 263139 hi there..i am at blue server..and there someone spamming in chat if u banned him he will create another account to spam again...I think theres many ppl getting angry or mad in game bcoz of over price in coins shop..so I think the best way is make a list of price of every item in coins shop...

    for me only..i don't think in other if they agree but I think this is the best way to solve it

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  9. 263786 What attack moves can you teach Natu via TM/HM? I'm trying to level my Natus so they can have longer catching sessions. But he hardly knows any decent attack moves, so as soon as my one good attack move runs out of PP I have to go back to pokecenter and heal... Any suggestions?

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  10. 263165 Hello everyone,


    I recently installed (Windows, 64bit) and started playing this game (~3 hours playtime) and I already found an annoying bug.

    It appears mostly during battles and causes that my laptop shuts himself down, with not a single reason. The battles themselfes are "won", so I recieved the EXP points normaly. It already crashed 3 times.


    It's not a problem of the laptop, since a phenomenon like this never happens outside the game.

    Does anyone has the same problem, or am I the only one?


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