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Everything posted by Lidberg

  1. Thanks BurdyBurns ^.^ -Bump
  2. Re: Eternal Legends - [Red] [Competitive/Open] *Recruiting <t>1. PRO username ---- Lidberg<br/> <br/> 2. Hours played ---- 226 (I started September 5th, going up quickly!)<br/> <br/> 3. Why do you want to join? ---- Looking for a new guild after last disbanded, also looking to heavily pvp once my OT is finally built.<br/> <br/> 4. Will you be able to join Discord? If not why? ---- Yes!<br/> <br/> 5. Time zone? (You can google "City/Location name" + time zone) Mines is UTC - 8:00 ---- EST, UTC - 05:00</t>
  3. https://prntscr.com/crl67c my pawniard: inner focus adamant atk 29 def 09 spd 23 spatk 16 spdef 16 hp 15
  4. Looking to buy a party hat, interested in all colors
  5. Yes, not to far though. Hope to see you apply in the coming weeks, or days. Friend me ingame if you ever see me online @ TheJollyPear. Hope to see you apply some day :) I went ahead and applied, thank you for the kind words!
  6. Re: ✰Cosmic✰ "Recruiting" Red Server~ *Updated* <r>1.) Give us a short introduction for us to get to know you.<br/> <br/> 2.) <B><s></s>59 hours<e></e></B> played, I started on the <B><s></s>5th of September, 2016<e></e></B> <br/> <br/> 3.) I'm facing Claire soon, so Kanto+7 Johto badges. Training a few Pokemon a bit more in Dragons Den<br/> <br/> 4.) I'm looking at collecting a decent team of all Shiny Pokemon, preferably my own. I also want to collect many unique Pokemon and level them up to use! I'm a fan of being different. ^.^<br/> <br/> 5.) In all the games I've played, I have realized what I want from a Guild. Building <U><s></s>relationships<e></e></U> between guild members will always be number one, but how I go about it is simple. I will have questions in game, but once I learn the answer I store that knowledge and share willingly whenever asked. I suspect this is what the guild is about and I'm stoked!<br/> <br/> 6.) Of course! "to be the best" means not only collecting and Training Pokemon, but building friendships/relationships with all Trainers is important to me. I enjoy helping out whenever I possibly can. :D<br/> <br/> I don't have the required hours,<B><s></s> however<e></e></B>, I started the game 11 days ago and have 59 hours plays nearly beating the Johto story. I will soon hit the required 100 hours+finish the the 8th gym within the next hour of posting this. That will put me at <B><s></s><U><s></s>60 hours and 16 badges<e></e></U><e></e></B>! <br/> <br/> <br/> <I><s></s>Best Regards,<e></e></I><br/> <B><s></s><SIZE size="150"><s></s>Lidberg<e></e></SIZE><e></e></B><br/> <br/> <br/> -Update: Completed Johto Elite 4, 62.5 hours logged.</r>
  7. thank you! :D
  8. Is anyone else having this problem? I'm thinking it might have to do with that Goat message earlier.. It logged me out while I was in combat and now I cannot reconnect, I tried restarting the client
  9. Thank you, but my hours are a bit shy as well as my badges.
  10. Hello! Lidberg here, I'm looking for a guild on the Red Server. -Still new to Pokemon Revolution Online, as I only have 40 hours logged. -Currently running through Johto(recently passed the second gym) -I'd love to find a newer guild that was created within the past few months -Recently bought a membership and have plans to continue to hold it! -I am 21 and am open to VoIPs Most of my Pokemon gaming came from; a little of Blue, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Sapphire, Emerald, little of Fire Red, little of Pearl, I'll be one to finish the story line and collect the rarest of them all! (Shiny and high IVs) Once I get to know the game more, I am one to help out fellow friends/strangers when possible. Feel free to leave a comment. :)
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