Dear pro staffs:
Hello im posting this because i really want ti make a simple suggest and i think it will be very good for the game :)
First i want to say that this is not a complaint, its more a suggets but i didnt found where i can write a suggest so i write here.
My suggest is to add "special" moves to some pokemon that can only learn by events or in dream world in original pokemon games. EXAMPLE: Spinda cant learn superpower in pokemon revolution, because it only can learn with Dream World (spinda without superpower is useless :/) and Linoone cant learn extreme speed because it can in a past event ( linoone is useless without Extreme speed) and i can say a lot of poke that are useless in this game because havent 1 move. I think this is easy to add with tutors :) so please think in add it. It will be better for pvp to see different pokemon and its a very simple suggest.
Really thanks for your attention and sorry if a am in a wrong forum to post it its my first suggest :Shy:
Nothing more to way, just thanks other time :)