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Everything posted by Matsushi

  1. Do you accept trades?
  2. Ohh...... thanks good to know:) If not sold my bid is here anyways
  3. 450k here
  4. Re: godly shiny slowking <t>Pm on dc..</t>
  5. Im searching for offers, if u want to offer pm in game or in discord cnnblt#0994 or write here ur offer. If i get a good offer i will do a bid of 72h
  6. Hmmm start why not
  7. Hey i want to know the price of my 31 speed 31 spatk adaptability porygonZ to sell maybe in the future. Please give a price check
  8. Dear pro staffs: Hello im posting this because i really want ti make a simple suggest and i think it will be very good for the game :) First i want to say that this is not a complaint, its more a suggets but i didnt found where i can write a suggest so i write here. My suggest is to add "special" moves to some pokemon that can only learn by events or in dream world in original pokemon games. EXAMPLE: Spinda cant learn superpower in pokemon revolution, because it only can learn with Dream World (spinda without superpower is useless :/) and Linoone cant learn extreme speed because it can in a past event ( linoone is useless without Extreme speed) and i can say a lot of poke that are useless in this game because havent 1 move. I think this is easy to add with tutors :) so please think in add it. It will be better for pvp to see different pokemon and its a very simple suggest. Really thanks for your attention and sorry if a am in a wrong forum to post it its my first suggest :Shy: Nothing more to way, just thanks other time :) -cnnblt
  9. Time is already ended sorry i was offline. I didnt get more offers so u won it contact me or dot21 (owner) in game to buy it. And sorry again i havent much time now
  10. Noticed :Smile: :Smile: Time end pm in game please
  11. Re: Sell Epic Hydreigon And Ferrothorn <t>2.8m hydreigon</t>
  12. Sure Let me know when u are online
  13. Added new pvp ready pokemon and Untrained pokemon.
  14. PRO Username: Cnnblt Pokemon Showdown username: Cnnblt
  15. Re: Sell Epic Hydreigon And Ferrothorn <t>2.2m hydreigon here.</t>
  16. Sure, i need to check it. Want kadabra or xatu?
  17. Start Impish Forretress 250k. :y: :y: noticed
  18. Contact me or danitos in game
  19. I will buy that little guy :Grin: Im comming online ^^
  20. Re: - La Grasa Shop - Trained and Untrained Pokemon <r><QUOTE author="Arbaaz007" post_id="492228" time="1515346461" user_id="1713589"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thanks :3 <E>:Heart-eyes:</E> <E>:thanks:</E></r>
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