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Everything posted by Matsushi

  1. RULES: <i></i> -Dont post useless comments and be respectful. -We accept coin capsule = 500k. Also we can accept shinys or epic pokemon. -All pokemon with Start Offer will finish in 72h after the first bid. -We wont cancel any bid, best offer will win. -Some prices are negotiables, so feel free to offer if your offer is serious. Nice modest volt absorb lanturn pvp ready: Start offer 350k - Insta 700k Nice timid Halloween pikachu: Insta 350k Nice timid Halloween pikachu: Insta 350k Nice impish xmas sandslash: Insta 200k Shiny hoppip: 30k Shiny graveler h.a: 40k Shiny voltorb: 50k Shiny linoone: 50k Shiny pidgey: 20k
  2. </COLOR> RULES: <i></i> -Dont post useless comments and be respectful. -We accept coin capsule = 400k. Also we can accept shinys or epic pokemon. -All pokemon with Start Offer will finish in 72h after the first bid. -We wont cancel any bid, best offer will win. -Some prices are negotiables, so feel free to offer if your offer is serious. A lot of pokemon will be added soon [dropshadow=blue]Sync:[/dropshadow] All natures of natu/xatu: 15k All natures of abra/kadabra: 25k [dropshadow=blue]Epic Trained Pokemon:[/dropshadow] [dropshadow=blue]Epic Untrained Pokemon:[/dropshadow] [dropshadow=blue]<COLOR color="#FF00FF">Shiny & Event Pokemon:[/dropshadow] [dropshadow=blue]SOLD:[/dropshadow] Thanks all to visit my shop! :Grin: Made by Cnnblt, Danitos, Napolion22, Kevinflynn, Ishark, Sipotauro, Aleksdemon44 & Dot21. Thanks to alex1990pao to help me with the post <3
  3. Re: Poliwag h.a bold Shiny <t>2.5m here :3</t>
  4. Re: Poliwag h.a bold Shiny <t>2.5m here :3</t>
  5. Re: 3 Amigos >>> Dec, 30 <t>Can i offer money in yellow server? I want some shinys of u :p. <br/> <br/> Congratz the best shop i saw! ^^ Good Luck</t>
  6. Im selling this epic pinsir adamant h.a for pvp very good with choice scarf. Start bid is 500k and insta 1m. 24h from the start offer
  7. I think that would be very good to avoid scams of sellers or fake buyers. A golbal market where you put your pokemon with a price or a bid (u give ur pokemon to the system and the system sell it, and if u are bored to try sell just take back). This can avoid almost all trade infractions +1
  8. Can i see it?
  9. As is a common shiny i prefer to keep hunting other adamant but thanks :Shy: :thanks:
  10. Im looking for adamant nice ivs guts machamp. Let me know if u have it and i will make a offer
  11. :y: :y: Nice shop
  12. Re: WTS Shiny Donphan - Good for PVP <t>I still want to start with 1m. Because 2m looks very high price to start</t>
  13. Bought 10m insta? I did a good offer and he cancelled the bid. I didnt bought insta
  14. I bought it so the auction is closed
  15. Start that trash :( :)
  16. There is a rule that u cant sell shinys here. Please remove it from ur shop
  17. I think u need to write in your rules if u can cancel the auction or no. If u didnt said that u cant cancel it i think. You need to write all auction rules in your post.
  18. Re: The New Year Fight :D <t>Name Cnnblt same as showndown</t>
  19. Good luck ^^ I hope i will see u more
  20. 50k? Can you dont joke here? Thanks -.-! Idk why u talk
  21. Im hunting adamant/brave xmas teddiursa or ursaring. Ability need to be pickup(teddiursa) Or guts(ursaring) , i pay more than 1m
  22. Re: 128IV Clone Venusaur - Calm Nature <t>Start</t>
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