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Everything posted by Ederpre

  1. Ban all the Pokémon in the staff ranked!!!!!!
  2. Signed by EderPre.
  3. Challenge is a consistent thing, now make a godfather impossible is another. Aside from the fact of having to take two water-type pokémon, 2 wrestlers and 2 dark, ends up with any strategy to defeat him. If you do well, the player has just limited to certain Pokemon, that won't make any sense together or even have her as "strategy" that was spoken by the Shemac. I think you should revise it. I think it was quite unfair, because whoever did before the exchange benefited and the other player who were to face the same and get the reward of the third victory over he will not win, because it was changed.
  4. 1. What's your PRO nickname & how old are you? A - EderPre and my age is 26 years. 2. How many gameplay hours and badges do you have? A - 1850 hours and 24 badges(Kanto, Johto and Hoenn). 3. What is your ingame hobby? (farming, selling, pvp) A - Farming and PVP sometimes. 4. Why would you like to be a Karp? A - I want to be a Karp to turn a "Gyarados" in pvp. Hehehehe: v 5. Are you able to visit our Discord server? A - Yes 6. Is English your primary/secondary language? A - my primary languase is portuguese brasil (pt-br) but i understand fine english (my secondary language) Thank you!
  5. I think it's a good idea, since lately the staff walks focused on creating clothes and hats for the store. I think it's a valid suggestion and to think about it. Congratulations on your initiative, Zonamarelarap.
  6. It is true. I did what @Giovanni suggested, and I haven't been any Piplup, such as Noibat. I was from the time of high tide in the evening till morning 4:00 to be able to find such Plipup and nothing from him. The Staff could rethink that there, increasing the chance of finding for players with membership, or something.
  7. Is true! Very, very, very thank you!
  8. I really only have Piplup hunting 1 hour? High tide starts at 9:00 in the morning and the morning ends at 10 hours. Could revise it, right? Obs: I don't know if it's in this place the post. Thanks!
  9. Look, it seems to me that the PRO offers chat rooms for language, so I don't particularly think it unnecessary here, even because Brazil Chat is a private chat. You been a children's attitude and even wrong, but each has its reason for password and kick player PRIVATE chat. If you want a chat no password, create one or go to the Portuguese language chat. Just my opinion.
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