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Everything posted by Vhux

  1. welp.. my Xatu and abandoned poke love me xD
  2. Re: ✰Cosmic✰ "Recruiting" Red Server~ *Updated* <t>1: How many Hours have you played? About 453 hours.<br/> 2: How many regions have you completed? All of 'em!<br/> 3: What is your personal goal ingame? Lately it's been hunting pokes I really like the most, even if that would take ages and train them up; also building up a team against bosses npcs. :3<br/> 4: Why do you feel Team Cosmic is the right place for you? I feel like Cosmic has some really nice and friendly members, also it's always great to make new friends to chat or to help/get helped by.<br/> 5: Are you willing to lend a helping hand? Duh, sure thing!</t>
  3. Yeah, I've noticed that too a long time ago to be honest, didn't know if it was a glitch or something on purpose. But everytime I use recoil damage moves + leftovers it's like the heal from leftover is useless, since we take it's heal damage after the actual recoil real damage. Simple math example to help people understand: 100hp *uses recoil move* (-20hp from recoil) = 80hp -16hp (??? Idk where this damage comes from) = 64hp +16hp (leftover healing that damage coming from nowhere) = 80hp (as it should be without using leftover)
  4. Dude, this is the most awesome thing ever. Thank you so much for the effort and such hard work you put on that. I've always wanted some guide that shows rarity of 'x' poke on 'x' location, even thought doing one myself some day but it would be mostly inaccurate probably and I'm also a lazy ass. Your job will help many, keep it up dude! :) I'll see if I can help update it sometimes to keep it going.
  5. Re: ✰Cosmic✰ "Recruiting" Red Server~ *Updated* <t>As I said I would look your introducing video and I did! Looks like a nice guild with positive people, Tatsu! Congrats~ I wish all the luck to you for making a great team :3<br/> Also.. maybe I apply someday?! Who knows <3<br/> See ya!</t>
  6. IGN: Vhux I would like to win this mouse because mine is a microsoft one from almost 7 years ago and it's getting old, been looking to get a new one for a long time. I always played fps games a lot (currently: battlefield 4, cs:go and now overwatch), and those mouses really would help my aim, but here in my country we cannot afford to buy one of those, which is R$400 in my currency, while minimum wage here is R$800. Good luck to everyone!
  7. nice guide as always Carlho! Just one question: how do you get seen data for Mew?
  8. Re: $2,000,000 PokeDollar Give-Away for 1st PRO X-MAS! <t>Merry Christmas PRO! 612<br/> <br/> ign: Vhux</t>
  9. Re: What this could be... <r><QUOTE author="Trav"><s> </e></QUOTE> <IMG src="https://media.giphy.com/media/EouEzI5bBR8uk/giphy.gif"><s></e></IMG><e> </e></QUOTE> ^</r>
  10. Re: Ingame BOSS [Added Nikola, Lance - Cerulean Cave] <r>Nice topic dude! Thanks for all the info<br/> Also, wanted to make a little correction: I don't think it needs 250hours playtime to challenge Officer Wargreymon (can be 200 though, not sure)<br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/ztyAjNn.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  11. Haxorus > all gl everyone
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