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About Ebort

  • Birthday 10/17/1994

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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Re: Ingame BOSS [updating 19/03/2017] <t>Misty reward: Shellos, Star Piece</t>
  2. Ebort


  3. Hello! I want to buy Phantump and Drifloon! Write me in game or here.
  4. Name: Ebort Skin: Old man Dialoge: :Exclam: Hah. A young trainer... I know your way. Here a little advice: You can't lose, only win something. Location: Somewhere near a lake or mountain, or in a house. Evidence : https://imgur.com/a/a0uaP
  5. I was in mineral site, in hoenn on yellow server, i get a nosepass... i wanted catch it, i throw a lot of balls, about 40 ultra + 15 simple ball, when i get a massage when i wanted throw new balls: You can't attack at this time! SO WHAT!? Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/Ba3zW7R.jpg I captured a video too: https://gfycat.com/CheapWarlikeInsect i couldn't use my moves, throw ball, heal my pokemon, swap my pokemon, or run, i get this message always... i could do one thing, i need relog... i lost a lot of ball, a nosepass, and i need pay again for that site... oh yeee
  6. i want report that, when evry npc call the transit pass MONTHLY , when it's only WEEKLY
  7. thank you! Problem solved it's worked
  8. i have same problem: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=82&t=61250 problem solved!
  9. Hello! When i need save pink rhyhorn, i helped to jenny, i beated Butch and Cassidy, i saw giovanni, i used escape rope, and when i go back, giovvani not there, i need help again to Jenny, but i can't, i can't get fight panel...
  10. You're phone connected to wifi/got enough signal for a decent connection ? Have you tried restarting your phone ? i restarted, yes, i have signal, i could download the game... but k, i will try at home, on other wifi
  11. How far can you get to launching ? if you're typing username and password, what message do you get ? Connecting to server... and after 2 sec, Can not connected to server...
  12. Hello! i have samsung galaxy s5, i played PRO a lot of time, but now, in new patch, pink weedle v0.96 i can't login! i deleted full game, reinstalled, tried clean install, like in androide guide, but nothing. pls, help me
  13. Hello! I always unfriend my partners from mistake... pls add security answer,example when i click unfriend, i get window: Do you reaullly want delete xy from your friendlist? i think it is a usefull thing. sry for my bad english :D
  14. Hello! I want sell these pokemons: Charmander Bo: 1M Cloyster Bo: 500k Dragonite Bo: 1M
  15. I used super repel, and all wild pokemon fighting with me... i tryed use other repel, but i couldn't, cuz repel effect already is on ...
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