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Everything posted by Rickt17

  1. we just only need for people to cooperate. Great idea imo
  2. Player name: RickT17 Showdown name: RickT17 Server: silver Timezone: GMT +0 Rank on ladder: 10th
  3. Hey Noxious, It worked just fine! Thank you very much for the help. Best regards, Rick
  4. Thank you very much
  5. Hello Noxious, Here's the screenshot of darkrai, and thank you for the help!
  6. Hello, While doing the halloween event I came across an issue. I battled the boss Horon before starting the Dark Realm quest. I finished the quest, caught Darkrai, but now I can't claim the Halloween reroll from the NPC. I'll gladly wait for your help. Best regards, Rick
  7. Name: RickT17 Showdown name: RickT17 Server: Silver Timezone: GMT+1 Rank on ladder: 25 (manually corrected)
  8. Thank you very much. Best regards.
  9. Bumping post
  10. Hello, I started to use a bms about 3 days ago, and it ended yesterday around 7pm. The issue is since the morning of 31st of March the bms seemed to not work properly, because I counted 40 pokemons and only 1 with HA. I know there was supposed to happen a 2 day extension, but in my case it didn't happen, as you can see in the image. Since I lost almost half of the time of the bms I wanted to ask for help to also get the extension. Thank you in advance.
  11. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) #2 ♦ <t>Yellow and my name is RickT17. Prehax is a bro.</t>
  12. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) ♦ <t>Oh BOI! xD You don't know my server. Yellow it is</t>
  13. Shiny Voltorb insta sold to Biancacs
  14. S.O. - 200k Insta: 400k SOLD INSTA to Biancacs Minimum bid raise 25k S.O. - 75k C.O. -100k by Ichigo200 No minimum bid raise. Auction ends in 5 days from now.
  15. Re: SELLING HP Fire Magnezone and Jolly Technician Scizor <t>Updated price for scizor</t>
  16. Re: SELLING HP Fire Magnezone and Jolly Technician Scizor <t>bumping</t>
  17. Hi I Mistakenly posted here something I shouldn't. I'll private message you
  18. Re: SELLING HP Fire Magnezone and Jolly Technician Scizor <t>Updated s.o. price for Magnezone and added Scizor.</t>
  19. Selling HP Fire Magnezone. S.O. - 400k Insta - 1.1mill. Minimum bid raise of 50k. Selling Joly Technician Scizor. S.O. - 400k Insta 1.1mil. Minimum bid raise of 50k
  20. Re: WTS Cofagrigus- reduced insta price <t>I offer 410k for cofagrigus</t>
  21. I believe Shadow Tag SHOULD BE BANNED, because it's a broken ability, that can be used and abused to worn out teams that have little or no direct counter to Gothitelle. I already found myself against one and it was annoying to say the least. I won't add more reasons because some of the players have already said it all like Tymerod did, so I make his words mine.
  22. Re: SELLING Regenerator Bold Slowbro (updated price!v2) added Picture <t>Hello Joel, we need to meet in the game, any city in knto/johto is okay, but I need to know when will you be online in real life, so I can be online at the same time as you. I will probably be online next monday or sunday night GMT. PM your availability.</t>
  23. Re: SELLING Regenerator Bold Slowbro (updated price!v2) added Picture <t>Sorry for the delay, I had been workingm couldn't reply. SOLD to JoelXD16. Whenever you can meet me answer me through here, and tell me when you porbably be online.</t>
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