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Posts posted by Tsushma

  1. I don't know if I can do that, if I can't, I'm sorry, but quickly look at the rules and I didn't see anything about it, I'm about 20 hours trying to catch a nice riolo, and it's already the 6 that has been missing an iv 20+, I don't have the slightest intention of selling it, I just love mega lucario a lot, and I wanted a nice one, I've spent more than 500k on repellents, would it be possible to change his spdef to 20? (ID: 58759403) as I said, I just want to have it for myself, if you want to use it in pvps... if I can't thank you and I'll go back to hunting, even though I don't have much time for that.It's just that I've been hunting for weeks, I usually don't get shaken by troll pokemons, because I'm a pokemon collector with my ot and I know how difficult it is, but more have appeared, it's getting discouraging, I know I'm not better than anyone in the game, but in 6 years of playing this is the first such request I make, I would be grateful if you could help.it's just that trolls don't stop showing up..., I wanted an answer even if negative..., here are some more photos, I don't mind if anyone changes... I have no intention of selling like I said before.

    Captura de tela 2022-08-26 185508.png

    Captura de tela 2022-08-26 185523.png

    Captura de tela 2022-08-26 185540.png

    Captura de tela 2022-08-26 185645.png

    Captura de tela 2022-08-26 185656.png

    Captura de tela 2022-08-26 214100.png

    Captura de tela 2022-08-26 185633.png

  2. I got a few private messages, saw two suggestions and a few people asked in Discord about mega evolution mounts.


    I personally don't mind the idea. It's totally fine to do that, slowly but surely. Now is the question how to make them obtainable?

    Simply add them in PvE, PvP or Coin Shop? Make it possible to upgrade the normal versions for a fee (like 100k)? Make a quest to upgrade a mount (different quests for the mounts could be done)?

    What do you guys think? Please give a reason for your suggestion/vote.


    I think a mission would be nice, not to be trivial, but fun and. interactive, even those who have already bought a mount, can have it in mega version ^^

  3. Hello @Tsushima,


    I am afraid those count towards your 4 Accounts. So you can't create anymore. But if you want to start new you can just start on the other Server and even Transfer for free on your Dashboard. I hope that helped.






    sorry to send more than one message, but in summary I only have access to 2 of my accounts, I created 2 yesterday (tisushima and tisushma) wouldn't there be any way to block the other two old ones?

  4. Olá [uSER = 1229288] @Tsushima [/ USER],


    Receio que isso conte para suas 4 contas. Então você não pode mais criar. Mas se você deseja começar de novo, basta iniciar no outro servidor e até transferir gratuitamente no seu painel . Espero que tenha ajudado.







    mbut I don’t remember the password, it’s been a long time, and I had created two more yesterday, but no problem I’m still playing in the two I have ^^, I have almost 1000h of game

  5. Olá, [uSER = 1229288] @Tsushima [/ USER],


    Então você os criou para seu amigo, mas não jogou com eles? Você tem acesso a eles?


    E, infelizmente, não há como remover um puxão, pois não temos as ferramentas para isso: - /






    syes I created it, I should have played it about 5 times, because they didn’t have PCs, so I used to up them, as for the problem, all right thank you anyway ^^

  6. Hey Tsushima,


    Sorry but just to be clear here I rather double check.


    You said "yasuke7" and "shoku01" were made to play with friends. Does that mean they are your friends Accounts or did you create them?






    hey i know it has nothing to do with the subject of the forum, but ... did i accidentally evolve a pokémon, some way to go back?

  7. Hey Tsushima,


    Sorry but just to be clear here I rather double check.


    You said "yasuke7" and "shoku01" were made to play with friends. Does that mean they are your friends Accounts or did you create them?





    yes I created it for them, since they were here at home and wanted an acc, is that a problem to create for other people?

  8. Olá @Tsushima,


    Desculpe, parece que eu entendi errado isso como uma solicitação para listar todas as contas que você recebeu por qualquer motivo. Mas, para responder à sua pergunta, sim, você pode criar mais 2 contas. :-)





    yyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey :), thanks, have a great day :)

  9. Hello @Tsushima,


    The following Accounts are linked to "Tsushima":




    Could you tell me which one of those are yours?






    I can without problems ^^, as said yasuke7 and shoku01 were accounts to play with friends, mihiga is my girlfriend's account, tsushima and guilherme8662 mine, and the other two of my friends that I talked about ^^

  10. As I know the limit of accounts is 4 per person, over time I created accounts that I don't even remember the name or email, just to start over with friends, today I have 2 active, could I create 2 more?

  11. d4f6e86accc1ec7f564d9b292c94d226.png





    • Rules:

    This thread will help you to recover a Pokemon that you have mistakenly released.

    Please read carefully the following information in order to get the best support that we could offer you.

    Also do not abuse this thread, this kind of service should remain exceptional and only used for important and needed Pokemon.

    If you're not eligible to our restore service, please do not spam this thread as your posts will get deleted.


    Thanks for understanding.




    • What do you need to post?

    You must provide
    informations regarding the Pokemon deleted. The ID of the Pokemon remains the best way, such as a screenshot of said Pokemon's info card, or of the System release notification in the Chat.

    Please specify the server your Pokemon got deleted on.


    [spoiler=Example of needed screenshot]





    • Fill up the following information:

    [u]ID Screenshot:






    • What do I need to do after my post?

    You only need to wait, a Staff member will edit your post once the Pokemon is successfully restored, sending you a forum Alert.



    • What if I don't have any screenshot, or if I don't remember any accurate informations about the Pokemon?

    In this case unfortunately, we can't do anything for you. We need it to be able to find and restore your Pokemon.



    • I accidentally released my Pokemon three months ago, can I get it back?

    Only recently released Pokemon can be restored. There is a cooldown for them to be restored. You need to request a restore as soon as possible.


    ok, this is going to look stupid, and it really was, because it's the second time today, I went to get my manaphy with 200 poke bal






    • Rules:

    This thread will help you to recover a Pokemon that you have mistakenly released.

    Please read carefully the following information in order to get the best support that we could offer you.

    Also do not abuse this thread, this kind of service should remain exceptional and only used for important and needed Pokemon.

    If you're not eligible to our restore service, please do not spam this thread as your posts will get deleted.


    Thanks for understanding.




    • What do you need to post?

    You must provide
    informations regarding the Pokemon deleted. The ID of the Pokemon remains the best way, such as a screenshot of said Pokemon's info card, or of the System release notification in the Chat.

    Please specify the server your Pokemon got deleted on.


    [spoiler=Example of needed screenshot]





    • Fill up the following information:

    [u]ID Screenshot:






    • What do I need to do after my post?

    You only need to wait, a Staff member will edit your post once the Pokemon is successfully restored, sending you a forum Alert.



    • What if I don't have any screenshot, or if I don't remember any accurate informations about the Pokemon?

    In this case unfortunately, we can't do anything for you. We need it to be able to find and restore your Pokemon.



    • I accidentally released my Pokemon three months ago, can I get it back?

    Only recently released Pokemon can be restored. There is a cooldown for them to be restored. You need to request a restore as soon as possible.


    Server: Silver

    the writing space is small, I sent a print about the conversation I had in the Discord help





  12. d4f6e86accc1ec7f564d9b292c94d226.png





    • Rules:

    This thread will help you to recover a Pokemon that you have mistakenly released.

    Please read carefully the following information in order to get the best support that we could offer you.

    Also do not abuse this thread, this kind of service should remain exceptional and only used for important and needed Pokemon.

    If you're not eligible to our restore service, please do not spam this thread as your posts will get deleted.


    Thanks for understanding.




    • What do you need to post?

    You must provide
    informations regarding the Pokemon deleted. The ID of the Pokemon remains the best way, such as a screenshot of said Pokemon's info card, or of the System release notification in the Chat.

    Please specify the server your Pokemon got deleted on.


    [spoiler=Example of needed screenshot]





    • Fill up the following information:

    [u]ID Screenshot:







    • What do I need to do after my post?

    You only need to wait, a Staff member will edit your post once the Pokemon is successfully restored, sending you a forum Alert.



    • What if I don't have any screenshot, or if I don't remember any accurate informations about the Pokemon?

    In this case unfortunately, we can't do anything for you. We need it to be able to find and restore your Pokemon.



    • I accidentally released my Pokemon three months ago, can I get it back?

    Only recently released Pokemon can be restored. There is a cooldown for them to be restored. You need to request a restore as soon as possible.





    Hi. Your Poke has been restored. Have a nice day, M3ru3m


  13. d4f6e86accc1ec7f564d9b292c94d226.png





    • Rules:

    This thread will help you to recover a Pokemon that you have mistakenly released.

    Please read carefully the following information in order to get the best support that we could offer you.

    Also do not abuse this thread, this kind of service should remain exceptional and only used for important and needed Pokemon.

    If you're not eligible to our restore service, please do not spam this thread as your posts will get deleted.


    Thanks for understanding.




    • What do you need to post?

    You must provide
    informations regarding the Pokemon deleted. The ID of the Pokemon remains the best way, such as a screenshot of said Pokemon's info card, or of the System release notification in the Chat.

    Please specify the server your Pokemon got deleted on.


    [spoiler=Example of needed screenshot]





    • Fill up the following information:

    [u]ID Screenshot:







    • What do I need to do after my post?

    You only need to wait, a Staff member will edit your post once the Pokemon is successfully restored, sending you a forum Alert.



    • What if I don't have any screenshot, or if I don't remember any accurate informations about the Pokemon?

    In this case unfortunately, we can't do anything for you. We need it to be able to find and restore your Pokemon.



    • I accidentally released my Pokemon three months ago, can I get it back?

    Only recently released Pokemon can be restored. There is a cooldown for them to be restored. You need to request a restore as soon as possible.


    accidentally deleted my noibat

    Server: Silver



    Hi. Your Poke has been restored. Have a nice day, M3ru3m


  14. Hello Guilherme8661,


    I have restored your Pokemon, can you confirm this when you log in? If this happens again make sure to make a post on the Restore megathread as that will be more effective most of the times.


    Have a nice day,


    Sincerly Hawluchaa

    yesssss it has been restored, thank you very much, yes I will do that, thank you for your help, have a great day :)

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