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  1. I was caught mimikyu but in my pokedex i don't have it. I was restart game. Thank's.
  2. In-game name : Eskrim Server : Silver Pokemon ID and : 25517705 My eevee not want evolved to umbreon. I was have max happiness and try to kill any poke at night time,but it's not work. Please help me.
  3. Can someone tell me,what is world quest? And how to join that quest?
  4. Eskrim

    Porygon 2

    I tried to evolved my porygon 2 to porygon z,i tried use trade hold dublius disc but my porygon 2 still not evolved,and i lost my dublius disc, What wrong?
  5. I apologized before, I just wanted to argue how if cooldown against a boss is reduced from a normal cooldown if when we fight the boss the server suddenly goes down. because sometimes we feel annoyed when fighting a boss the server suddenly crashes and has to wait a long time to go back to fight it.
  6. Wow that great, Many thank's for your information Sinohara
  7. Yes it's thats kirasun
  8. I was change my shaymin to sky form,but i'm forget to set up that move set,if i change back to land form,i can change to sky form again or not?
  9. I was change the form of shaymin to sky,but i'm not set that moveset,i will change back to land form. Can i change to sky form again or not?
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