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Everything posted by Kevin1234

  1. Han pasado más de 15 y aún no han visto mi publicación
  2. Buen día señores de PRO. Quedé top la pasada temporada en gold, pero en medio de la temporada me traslade a silver, al finalizar la temporada toda las monedas pvp se cargaron a gold donde mi pj no tiene ni una sola medalla. Quisiera que por favor me pasen esas monedas a mi pj principal que está en silver en estos momentos. Muchas gracias y quedó muy agradecido
  3. 2,7m Pago desde mi cuenta principal osqiir93
  4. 2.4m Pago desde mi cuenta principal osqiir93
  5. 2.1m
  6. 1.700k
  7. 1.400k
  8. I Buy garchomp rash
  9. A long time ago I deleted a pokemon by accident at that time it was on the gold server. Then I changed servers and I found out that I had deleted it and I asked them to restore it but they restored it to gold where my main account was no longer there and I got stuck there because I need 4 medals to trade. I would like to know if there is a possibility that they can change the server, it is a bisharp, thank you very much. at this moment my main cuebts is in gold and the bisharp in silver.
  10. i will buy the conkeldurr please contact me my discord Oscarg93#5542
  11. 2.6m
  12. 2.4m
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