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Jeffreyrtk's Achievements



  1. NAME CHANGE Username: JeffreyRTK New Username: Raygnarok Server to charge the money from:Silver
  2. Buy shiny/pink pidgey timid epic and Weedle jolly epic shiny/pink
  3. We, Claymore, want to rent the bot! We want to rent following features: ● Basic commands We are willing to pay 200k monthly for it!
  4. I told him that if I wanted to fight and I get out I lost, wtf Wait the waiting time, I told him if I wanted to fight, and then I get that I have to wait again, what happened? and I have team lvl 50 and also says that they are 2 days of waiting but in realdiad are 3 that I have to wait :Nervous: :Frown:
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